Bruises and a Bitemark

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the supernatural transformation of a person into a wolf, as recounted in folk tales.


It was a warm and sunny Friday evening, the sun was beginning to set. Sheldon was watching Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, as Amy was typing away at her laptop, deeply engrossed in her work. Once the movie was finished Sheldon turned off the TV.

"I'll never get tired of that movie." He said cheerfully.

"Uh-huh" Amy said flatly not looking away from her screen. Sheldon peeked over her shoulder to get a glimpse of what she was working on. She was conversing back and forth with someone. She was clearly irritated, vigorously typing at her keyboard, her brows furrowed and biting her bottom lip.

"Something wrong?" He asked getting a bottle of water out of the fridge.

"It's this other Neurobiologist...he's such a pain in the ass to be doing a group research project with." She said with a depleted sigh, rubbing her eyes.

"I'm sorry, would you like some tea?"

"Yeah, that would be nice. I think I'm done working for the day." She said closing her laptop and stretching.

Sheldon handed her a steamy cup of peppermint tea. She slowly sipped it letting out a relaxed sigh. Her emerald green eyes lit up as she came up with a idea.

"How would you like to drive over to the park and take a walk on the trail?"

Sheldon cocked his eyebrows and looked at his watch.

"At 8:30?"

"Why not? It'll be romantic, like those midnight strolls you see in movies." She said with a childish grin.

Sheldon furrowed his brows, then shrugged. His wife was upset, he doesn't like taking walks in the woods but he'd do it for her.

"I suppose that'll be okay, let me get my jacket."

They arrived at the park. It was dimly lit, the only people there were a couple of teenagers on the playscape. They both started walking towards the trail, it was peaceful. The nightlife was chirping, fireflies were blinking. Amy grabbed Sheldon's hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"This is so peaceful." She said smiling looking up at the sky.

Sheldon mumbled something under his breath.

"What was that?" She said looking at him rasing a eyebrow.

"Nothing." He said looking around realizing he'd been caught.


They both stopped dead in their tracks.

"Did you hear that?" Sheldon said looking around, his blue eyes wide with worry and fear.

"It's probably a raccoon or something, we'll be back to the car in like five minutes." She said reassuring him.

They continued walking until they heard the noise again. This time closer.


Sheldon gulped, looking around. He began to run down the trail.

"Sheldon, wait!" Amy said calling after him.

Sheldon ran, ran as fast as he could. He was then halted by a huge yellow-eyed wolf like creature that was standing before him. Snarling showing long, sharp, blood stained teeth.

"Oh dear God..." He choked out. He wanted to run, but he was paralyzed.

The creature then pounced on him, biting him on his arm.

"AGHHHHH! AMY HELP!!" He screamed.

The creature whimpered and skittered off when a rock flying through the air hit it in the head.


Sheldon looked up and smiled, sighing of relief.

"I love you so damn much..." He said slowly getting up from the ground.

"I love you too." She said running to give him a hug and kiss, she noticed there was blood on her when she let go of him. She looked at him to see his arm was bleeding.

"Sheldon! Your arm...we need to get you to a hospital."

"Huh..oh..I think I'm gonna be..urp!" Sheldon turned around and vomited.

She rubbed his back and helped him stand upright.

"Are you okay to walk?"

"I think so." He said slowly walking beisde her.

Once at the hospital, they checked into the ER and waited. Sheldon lied on the bed moaning, he was covered in sweat.

"Are you doing okay?" Amy said stroking his head.

"Everything hurts." He said weakly.

The nurse knocked and walked in. Looking at his chart, then back at him.

"Hello, I'm Marie. I'm going to be your nurse. I see you have a animal bite on your left arm?"

Sheldon just nodded slowly, holding out his arm. The nurse put a pair of gloves on and began to examine it, cleaning it as she goes.

"Well, the good news is it's not as bad and gnarly as we think. We're going to give you a rabies shot, and do some blood work. Then send you home, if you start to develop any of these symptoms here on this paper, please come in, or call." She said handing Amy the paper.

"Thank you, we will." She said smiling a little. She looked over at Sheldon, who was half asleep on the small bed. She gently touched his hand to wake him.



"It's time to go home."

He opened his eyes and sat up slowly. Grunting as he slowly moved his arm. He stood up, stumbling a bit. Then caught his balance. They walked outside to the car, Sheldon was exhausted. He sighed as he sat down in the car seat. Next thing he knows, they're home. They walked up the stairs to thier apartment. Sheldon immediately crashed in the bed, completely zonked out. He didn't even take his shoes off. Amy smiled a bit as he reached down and pulled his shoes off, she then got ready for bed. She curled up under the covers and was asleep within minutes.

Sheldon awoke to the sound of movement, he cocked his eyebrow as he lifted his head up off the pillow and looked around. Amy wasn't in bed or the bathroom. He slowly sat up, feeling the dull pain in his arm. Walking out into the apartment he smelled food, and Amy was making breakfast.

"Good morning, how do you feel?"

"Sore" he replied taking a seat at the island counter.

"I'm sorry, would you like some pain medication after you eat?" She said handing him his plate.

"Yes, I would."

They ate breakfast in silence. Once finished Sheldon took a Tylenol and sat on the couch to watch Dr. Who. Not knowing the days forward will be filled with interesting, unexpected events.

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