Unexpected Events Part 2

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He looked in the bathroom mirror and noticed his eyes were glowing yellow. Inside his mouth, there was a sharp twinge of pain, almost like blades cutting his gums. He slowly opened his mouth.. revealing sharp fangs, on his top and bottom teeth.

"Sheldon? What's going on?" Amy said walking towards the bathroom.

"I.. I don't know..!"

The pain intensified as it felt like all of his bones were breaking. He collapsed on the cold bathroom tile floor and screamed, feeling his body change, his bones shift into new positions.


"Sheldon!!" Amy said panicly, quickly opening the door. She stopped, dead in her tracks when she saw his eyes, that weren't their normal shade of blue.

"What's.. happening..?" He groaned

"I..I don't know!?" She exclaimed feeling the panic rise in her throat. What could this be? Could his appendix have burst or something?, causing him this much pain? But why were his eyes yellow? Panicking, and tears beginning to fall down her cheeks, she pulled out her phone.

"I'm going to call a ambulance!" She said frantically looking for her phone.

He continued to twist and contort on the floor, he moaned and screamed as hair sprouted all over his body, his nails elongated into claws. His pajamas tore as his body morphed into a half man- half beast creature. Amy was terrified, she didn't know what to make of this. She was in shock. Watching all of this, she forgot the phone was still in her hand.

(Sheldon as a Werewolf)

"Did my husband just turn.. into a werewolf..?" She thought to herself.

"No, that can't be possible, Werewolves aren't real...are they?"

"Ma'am? Hello? Are you okay? Are you in danger?" The woman said on the phone.

"No.. thank you, false alarm... sorry, definitely not his appendix.." She said quietly. She hung up the phone trembling at what was in front of her.

"Sheldon..?" She said slowly walking towards him.

He let out a low growl and stared at her, like a lion hunting his prey. He darted out of the bathroom, and through the apartment and out the door.

"Sheldon!" She yelled. She ran to the door, after running down the flights of stairs. She got to the apartment building entrance.

"Sheldon!!" She called again waking into the parking lot.

With no luck, she gulped and sighed. She got out her phone and texted Penny.

(A)Hey Penny...uhm I need your help..it's kinda an emergency. Can you meet me outside the apartment building please?

Within a minute her phone dinged, Penny naturally probably was home having wine and watching TV.

(P)Yeah sure, omw

Penny walked out of the apartment building holding a handful of Doritos.

"What's up, you okay?" She said with her mouth full.

"No...I'm not..your not gonna believe me..I can't believe it myself, but it happened. Sheldon..he, well he turned into a friggin Werewolf Penny! He's a wolf man thing! I don't know how... but he ran out of the apartment, and I don't know where he is!"

"Uhh..okay? Did he have a lab accident or something?"

"No..I, I don't know. All that I know is Sheldon is out there somewhere..and given to what we know about Werewolves they wake up naked and don't remember anything."

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