Unexpected Events Part 1

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Amy was stunned by Sheldon's tone, he never talked like that? Was something wrong? But she couldn't deny in that moment, he was so damn sexy.

"Y-you wanna have sex here at work..?"

"Yes" he responded with a small Texan twang in his voice locking his office door. He then walked over to her and wrapped his hands around her torso tightly, pulling her close, his hand running down to her bottom as he squeezed it. She could feel his hard erection in his pants.

"Your mine." He whispered in her ear as he kissed her neck, going down to her collarbone, then shoulder.

"Hoooo!-" she sqeaked as he sat her on his desk. She kissed him deeply on the lips wrapping her arms around him. Sheldon was in heaven, he kissed her deeper and thier tongues intertwined with each other. He stopped to remove his shirts and to unzip his pants, revealing his 11 inch erect member. She grabbed it and slowly stroked it, up and down. He growled with pleasure as he burried his face in her neck.

Beep beep beep

The alarm went off, Amy shot up and looked around, she was damp with sweat.

"What a dream.." she said to herself. She looked over and Sheldon was still sound asleep. It wasn't like him to sleep through his alarm, or to sleep in, ever.

"Sheldon, wake up it's time to go work." She said nudging him, he opened one eye and groaned.

"I don't feel good..I don't think I can go." He said turning over to the other side.

"What's wrong?"

"Nauseous... migraine" He mumbled.

"Do you need to go back to the doctor?"

"No...I don't think so... I'll just sleep and see if I feel better, if I don't when you get home, we can go."

Maybe the medication made him nauseous? She thought to herself.

"Okay, feel better. If you need anything call me, okay? Love you."

"Mhmmphh" was all she got as a response.

Amy continued to get up and get ready for work, doing her normal routine. She checked on Sheldon again, he was sound asleep. She gave him a kiss on the forehead and slowly made her way through the apartment and out the door.

"Dr. Fowler, where is your husband? He's not at work." President Seibert said walking up to Amy's lunch table.

"He's sick, and he had a injury. He'll be back in a few days." She replied taking a bite of food.

"Oh, I see. Tell him to take as much time as he needs. No rush..trust me.." He mumbled as he walked away.

She finished her lunch and headed back to her lab. She decided to check on Sheldon and see how he was doing. She sent him a text.

(A)Are you feeling better?

She waited a few minutes as she went through some specimens. Her phone chimed.

(S) No, not really.

(A) I'm sorry...is thier anything you want me to get you?

Sheldon didn't reply, so he must have fallen asleep again.

The rest of her shift was slow, she spent it going through paperwork, throwing out old brain specimens and bringing in new ones. Finally, after what seemed like forever, it was time to go.

She unlocked the door to the apartment.

"Sheldon, I'm home."

She peeked into the bedroom and Sheldon was still laying there, sound asleep. There was a glass of juice and a half eaten bowl of soup in on the nightstand. She went over and lightly touched his shoulder, causing him to rouse slightly from his sleep.

"Hmmm?...hey.." he said sleepily sitting up.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" She said sitting on the edge of the bed.

"A little better, how was work?" He asked stretching out a bit.

"Slow, tedious." She replied putting down her coat and purse, sitting back down beside him on the edge of the bed.

"Ah, I see. Well I'm going to take a shower and see if that helps. I'll be right back." He replied getting up and walking into the bathroom. He turned on the hot water on and undressed, stepping into the shower he sighed with relief. The water ran over his tense muscles helping them loosen. After his shower he changed into clean clothes and went out into the living area.

"I feel better, a little groggy but better." He said smiling a little.

She smiled and hugged him tightly, she gave him a small peck on the lips.

"That's good, would you want to relax and watch some TV? How about Star Trek?."

"Oh, fun!" He said excitedly, taking a seat on the couch.

Once the show was over she went ahead and prepared dinner.

"Sheldon, dinners ready." She said setting the table

They both sat down at the table and ate, while they catched up on recent events.

"I think I'm gonna get ready for bed." Amy said clearing off the table and cleaning up.

"Yeah, me as well." He went ahead and brushed his teeth and changed into his pajamas. They both crawled into bed next to each other.

"Goodnight Sheldon." She said kissing him on the cheek.

"Goodnight Amy." He said kissing her back.

Later in the night.

Sheldon woke up sopping wet with sweat, his body aching with sharp pains all over. He felt really hot and nauseous.

"Sheldon..? Are you ok?" Amy said turning the lamp by the bedside on.

"N..no.." he mumbled as he made his way to the bathroom slowly.

"What's wrong?" She said putting on her glasses.

He looked in the bathroom mirror and noticed his eyes were glowing yellow. Inside his mouth, there was a sharp twinge of pain in his gums, almost like blades cutting his gums. He slowly opened his mouth.. revealing sharp fangs.

"Huh?!?" He yelped panicking.

"Sheldon? What's going on?" Amy said walking towards the bathroom.

"I.. I don't know..!"

To be Continued in part 2

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