What's out there, or Who's out there?

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Waking up this morning wasn't as easy as I made it look. My shoulder blades hurt so much and it was cold because I haven't added wood to the fire all night so it was just amber. 

I flung my Blanket behind me and grabbed some wood I had stacked up at the end of my bed. 

As I was done lighting the fire with a flint and steal, I whipped my hands together and walked to the clothes I had laid out. 

After getting dressed I walked over to get my Sword. I headed out of my house trying to think of things I needed around my house. I realized that I was missing something alive, something that I needed to not feel alone. A pet, or animals like a barn. If I was going to go out and get these things then I was going to need leads, but I didn't have slime so that was the hardest part. Slimes only appear on flat land so I was going to need to fine a flat area and wait for night. 

Walking for so long made my feet hurt. I was miles from my house. I at least found  flat land and all I had to do was wait for night to fall and that wasn't far. Waiting for theses things was the last part. So I sat and waited in a tree I found. The only tree for about two miles, but you could see the woods my house was in from that top of the tree. 

After about 2 hours I had enough to make at least 5 leads. I started walking all the way back to my house. It was scary because it was night so a lot more mobs were going to be out.

Walking back felt unsafe. I was about 5 miles away and had a problem with just a zombie. From the distance I heard foot steps. I stood to hear where they where going, but they where coming closer. I started run to my house looking back every now and then to see if it was still following me. I got in my house and saw and slammed the door close and tried to catch my breath. I threw my bag on the table and pulled out the slime balls out and string I had from the spiders that have been around here when I was getting iron. 

The sun was rising and I started making a big square of fence. After I was done I left some open so I could get the animals in. Then I went out starting with cows. I came back with 4 cows, next I went back for sheep, then came back with 4 sheep.  I was tired of going back and forth so this time I went out to look for a horse. I found a horse that was brown with white spots and it loved me. So I lead it back to my house so I could tame it. 

Once I got back to my land I put the end of the lad in the fence and closed it up for the day. all I needed was chickens and hopefully a dog. 

I walked inside and made a saddle with leather. I walked back out and put it on the horse. This horse loved me instantly. I got down and petted him. 

"Goodnight buddy. maybe tomorrow you will have a name." I told him then walked back inside. As I was walking passed my garden I pulled a beet out of the ground and looked at the size.

"Not back." I said as I threw it in the air and caught it.

I walked over to the spring and cleaned off the dirt. As I was washing it I heard footsteps again and shot my head up and looked around. I saw a shadow in the distanced. I stood up to get a better look but nothing changed. I stood tall felling to assert my dominance, but soon realized that I didn't even know what I would do if this was a problem. 

I ran back inside and locked the door and closed the curtains. I slowly looked outside to see if anyone was there. No one was there so I walked over to the counter and cut the beet and made it to soup. after I was done making the soup I sat down and ate my soup. When I was done I walked out to the spring but kept my cautious with what was out here. 

I ran all the way to the spring to clean my bowl. I grabbed the soap and started washing it. When I was done I walked over to the dress I had hanging from the wire. I unclipped it and draped it over my fore-arm. I heard something hit the floor and looked down. I saw a compass. I picked it up and looked at it. I turned it to the back and saw a bunch of Scratches. like something or someone scratched out something on the back. I put it in my pocket and walked into my house. 

I hung the compass next to the compass I had made a few days ago then walked over to the dresser and placed the dress in the top drawer. I walked over to pick up the compass and picked it up. As I was reaching for it I realized the compass wasn't pointing to the east when I pointed it east. It wasn't pointing west when I pointed it west  but it was point north when I pointed it north. Something was north. thats why it was pointing that way. something must be using the magnetic pull to make it face that way. People maybe. I put the compass down and looked at the scars one my shoulder blades. 

"I think I will say out of this one. Remember what happened last time." I said remembering what Dream did to me the whole time. 

I walked over to my bed and put the clothes I had on last night to sleep in and pulled the covers over me. This is my life now

Without Tommy in it.


Chapter two is down. Hope you all liked it. we are starting to get to somewhere other than just living in the woods. 

I hope you all have a Good Night/Noon/Morning. Love you all<3

&quot;You're here with me!?&quot; Tommyinnit x reader (Book two)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora