An acquaintance to start with

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      It started out like any normal day, that is, until the knights knocked on my door. While I was surprised to see them, it was not the first time someone had dropped at my feet looking for help. So while staying perched on my door sill i open it and peer out. "Hello child," the man in front says to me. He looks tired, I note. He is a rough looking man, with silver grey hair and a big build fit for a soldier. Probably in his mid forties if I had to guess. "Are your parents home," he says, attempting to look beyond me to the opening room but I step up just a bit to block unwanted attention, he scowled at me. "We heard there was a healer here." He said as he stepped aside revealing three other men, obviously soldiers as well. The first two seem to be in their early thirties, one with blond hair and pale green eyes and the other with mud brown hair and plain blue eyes. The last soldier was concerning though, he was being held up by the other two, he seemed to be unconscious. He looked younger, mid to late twenties, with pure auburn hair. Though it was hard to tell with all the blood he's covered in. Interestingly enough it's not just his blood, the tell-tale black blood of deamons being present.

     I look to the ring leader again. Then open the door wider for them. "Come in." I say, allowing them to pass me. "Set him down on the table, carefully.". I lead them to the table in the back room where I do most of my work. After they set him on the table I go to assess his injuries, as I'm doing so I'm interrupted.

     "Where are your parents, girl." the first knight says. I turn around and look up to see him staring at me. He looks at me as if to size me up or intimidate me. Interesting, he seems to be quite wary of me, or perhaps just protective.

     "No parents," I say, "just me." I turn back around looking at the injured man again and then turn and start walking towards the wall where all the cabinets holding my herbs are. I go to start pulling what I need. When I hear him scoff in what seems to be confusion and mild annoyance.

     "Impossible" he says, in a disbelieving voice, "we were told there was a healer!"

     He starts walking towards me. Though I ignore him in favor of finding the herbs I need. "What is going on here!?" He goes to grab my arm as though to turn me around and get my attention. However, years of experience don't casually wear off, causing me to immediately dodge his hand and reel back, giving off an aura that oozes 'don't you dare' with venom.

     "I live here on my own, I am the healer they spoke of, and I'm about to help your friend over there,"I point towards their bleeding friend, "don't ruin his chances." I say, standing up straighter, annoyed at the previous act.

     "Who are you?" he says demandingly. I turn away from him and walk toward his friend to start working on his wounds. Putting on the medicine and getting ready to wrap the ever present scratch, that's more like a stab wound than anything, taking care of the smaller cuts in the process.

     "You can call me Solaris ." I respond, leaving no room for questioning. I don't feel like dealing with a snooping knight today. "And what do I call you, brave soldiers.'' I say with as much sass as I can muster at that moment. Though, I'm a bit curious as to how he got such wounds and why there is so much deamon blood among his own.

     They looked hesitant. Glancing at each other questioningly as if each of them held the answers that the others do not. They remain silent for a while, to the point where their friend is now resting in front of me, awake, as I put away materials. "Just tell her already you idiots, she saved my life and has yet to ask any other questions." The injured soldiers speaks. Surprising his companions. Then he looks to me. "You can call me Castiel, miss solaris, thank you." His friends look between each other again, though obviously relieved at his healed, and now awake, state.

     "It's no problem. You came to me for help and I helped." I say. "Though I do have some questions I'd like answered if you're willing." I won't push, pushing only ever brings trouble. I don't want trouble. However I do want answers, so I'll take what I can get.

     "My name is Grey. Pleasure to make your acquaintance." The first knight says bowing while he introduces himself, looking hesitant while doing so. The other two follow suit.

     "I am Jacob," the blonde one speaks.

     "I am Gabe." the brown haired boy says.

     "Pleasure to make your acquaintance." They say together in unison, bowing in the process.

     "Pleasure to meet all of you." I say, only a bit surprised by the manners that all of a sudden appeared. I turn around facing the injured one- ah well, Castiel, yup that was his name. Somethings up with that one. First, these soldiers were all protective of him. Then just a few words from him and all of a sudden manners appear. Not to mention I'm no idiot, these men were fighting deamons. Well that but there's also the fact that he's holding a bond. Only important people carry bonds in these parts...interesting.

     "So how did all this happen?" I ask, genuinely curious as to why such events have occurred. I walk over pulling a few chairs over. Gesturing for them to sit.

     "Just got into a bit of trouble with some mercenaries." Gray says, like he really expects me to believe that. Castiel tries to sit up, so I walk over and help him.

     "Thanks" he says in a pained voice. The other soldiers don't sit though. They continue to stand there like they're waiting for an order of some kind.

     "I'll have you know I'm no idiot." I say, "i know deamon blood when I see it," I look to Castiel, "and you were covered in it.'' I don't like the look he gave me though. Suspicion mixed with curiosity. He's starting to realize I'm different, I'm an unknown variable, and I'm smart. Certainly smarter than I look. Possibly even a threat. How unsavory.

     "I'm no idiot either," he says, "yet you're a complete mystery." He looks me up and down. "Why does a girl of, what, 24, know how to heal better than every professional we have on the field right now?" He sounded both impressed with me and annoyed at the fact. At that statement a quiet argument broke out between the four. Whether it was about him over exaggerating or them asking the same thing, I don't know, and I don't really care. There are other, slightly more important, things to talk about.

     "I have more experience," I say. That gets them to stop, I can see the moment confusion and concern overtakes their features. An unspoken but well known 'unfortunately' hanging in the air. "and I'm 19, not 24." After that last statement I walk out the room into a storage room, where I grab some extra herbs to replace the ones I had used. Not seeing the looks of realization and disbelief on each of their faces. When I walk back out they're all sitting there in contemplative silence. "So," I start, not wanting them to sit on it for too long, " how did this," I gesture towards Castiel's bandaged torso, "actually happen."

     "There was a monster break not far from here," Jacob says, "we were fighting one when he," he points his thumb towards Castiel. " Got injured. We came here because we heard there was a healer around, and...".

     "There aren't enough healers on the field." Gray finishes in a solemn tone. "Its bad."

     "I can imagine." I say in response. "There rarely ever are enough healers." We all sit there in silence. No one knowing what to say next.

     Finally, after a few long seconds, the silence is broken. "We have to return." Castiel says standing up, with surprising ease considering. The others following his action. They start to pack up the few things they have anyway. As they pack I start straightening up a bit. Once they finish getting everything together, he turns to me. Looking straight at me with forest green eyes, he says, "Come with us." with all seriousness, though it's more of a question than a demand. "We could use more healers and I've met few as good as you. Especially one so young."

     I stop and think for a moment. I don't have anything better to do. It's been a bit since I've been on the field as well. It couldn't hurt to ease my boredom, and curiosity, while still helping out. It's not as though I'm doing some big attention grabbing deed, which means no trouble should be brought. "I see no harm in it." I say, turn around walking towards a table sitting in the corner, "You could probably use the help." I straighten up and grab my travel bag off of it.

     "There are horses outside, you can ride with me." Castiel says.

     "Let's get a move on then." We head outside, get onto the horses and head toward the impending battle ground. 

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