Perhaps what led to it all

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> this chapter is not the best and probably has a lot of errors, so sorry in advance :3 (it will probably be edited again later on to)

       As we came closer and closer to the camp, and the battlefield, you could smell the blood and magic in the air. "We're coming up to the camp." Castiel yells, it's hard to hear over the crashing hooves on the ground and the now ever present sounds of an intense battle happening a little to close for my liking.

       "We're here." Gray says, coming to a stop in front of two sentries.

       "General." The first one says, addressing castiel. They step aside in order to allow us to pass. Then the first sentry looks at me, "may I ask who this is?" He says questioningly.

       "She's with me." Castiel says, or perhaps I should call him general now. "I've brought her to help, she's a healer. We could use more of those."

       "But the commander..."

       "I will deal with the commander." he looks at her giving off an aura of pure authority, then he turns to me, "come i'll show you the medical tent." I nod and follow him as we get off the horses and they are taken from us, probably being brought to a stable. "This is the med tent," he comes up to a tent, people going in on a constant basis, but not coming out. "You can help out here, I'm sure they need it." He says the last part under his breath, but its not hard to catch.

       We enter the tent and are immediately met with complete and utter chaos. The nurses are everywhere, patients are spread every which way with now real pattern and no way to tell them apart. On one side you have a soldier who's bleeding to death and on the other side one with a grazed shoulder. Only one is being treated, and it's not the right one.

       I start to walk towards the bleeding one and start to put pressure on the wound with a cloth I pulled from my bag. As I begin to heal the injury with magic, I'm yanked away from him.

       "What do you think you're doing!" A voice yells at me, I look up and see a small woman with pale blue hair and the complete character of a Karen. "You can't be here! You're not even injured! Leave." I stand up and dust myself off but before I can say anything, Castiel does.

       "I brought her here." He says, with quite a bit of venom and he is obviously not happy with the current situation. The woman's head shoots up and she stares at him with horror. "She's my guest and is here to help. Per my request.".

       She looks at me then back at him. She lowers her head in a bow and says "m-my apologies my lord, I did not realize she was with you. It has been very stressful here. We are short on hands and supplies are running short."

       "Your supplies aren't running're all disorganized and your supplies are everywhere." I say servicing the room once again. Then I look dead at her, "you have enough, you're just not using them."

       "I brought her here to help." Castiel says jestering to me. "She's very skilled and I'm sure she'll be a reliable asset."

       "But sir, she's just a child!"

       "Enough." Castiel says, causing all others near enough to hear to stop in there tracks as well. "I asked her to help, she agreed, and now she will be in charge." Now he addresses the room now. "I expect all of you to respect her and listen to her." With a nod from everyone in the room, including some of the injured, he turns to me.

       "You hardly know me," I say facing him, "why are you putting me in charge of all your wounded."

       "Let's call it a hunch." He says and walks out the tent. Oh great he has a hunch. I wonder how long his hunch will last until I'm chased away again.

       I sigh and turn back to the inner part of the tent. "Well, let's get started then."

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