Gotta start somewhere

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      This is a mess. There's supplies everywhere and far too many injured people not being treated, either properly or at all. Not to mention that there are people running everywhere. It is far too hectic in here for a medic tent.

      "All right, here's how we'll do things," I say, turning to the six nurses that came to get their orders...since I'm in charge now...for some reason. "We'll classify patients as green, yellow, red and black. Blacks need immediate medical attention, and greens just need a quick patch up. The ones in between vary. Reds will need medical attention, but can take second to a black if it comes to it. Yellows will be fine. Greens and reds will be our top priority."

      "Why would green be the top priority, shouldn't reds be our only priority?" One of the nurses says.

      "Reds are a priority but they are not the only ones who need attention. Greens do not take priority over reds but they do take precedence over yellows. The reason green takes priority over yellows and are on par with reds is because if all they need is a quick patch up then that means the quicker they are out which also means we have more room, it also means all the more help they have out there. Understand now?" I reply to the woman.

      "Yes, thank you." She says while giving a slight bow of apology.

       "Alright, we'll set up black in the very back. Then keep going towards the entrance through colors. For those who are simply resting put the in the side room-"

      "But miss that's where all our supplies are!?"

       "I know. See those tables over there," they look to where I'm pointing. Some tables set up in the middle of the tent, with random supplies strung all over it. "That's where we'll set up the supplies, so everyone can access them." They start looking at each other then start nodding. Good, looks like their finally understanding my intent here. "Good," I say out loud this time. "lets get started then, spread the word, make sure everyone understands how we're doing things now. You two handle moving the supplies from the side room to the tables," I say pointing to two nurses, then I turn to two of the other nurses, "and you two handle moving patients who can be moved to their respective areas. The rest of you can go back to healing people and spread the word. Good?" they all nod and head off to do their jobs. I turn around and take in the tent one more time. I smile this time, I'm more in my element here, this feels more natural. "Off we go."

      As the nurses spread to do their jobs I go to help the first patient that comes to mind, one with a stab wound. He's sitting in a corner, looking rather peaceful, pretty odd considering the environment. I saw him come in earlier while I was advising the nurses on the changes. It's annoying how he hasn't been treated yet but not completely unexpected. I move through the crowd towards him, as I do so I can feel the glares of some of the medics, no doubt unhappy with me taking charge. At the same time I can feel the admiring eyes of patients who heard the conversation and are quite obviously happy about the more organized change, and also no doubt surprised such a young girl came up with something like this, not to mention acted on it. How disappointing it came to that. I come up to the man and squat in front of him. Out of the corner of my eye I can see a nurse look at me like I'm crazy for approaching this person. I ignore her in favor of getting my job done.

      "Hello there." I say to the man in as soothing a voice as I can manage considering the circumstances. He looks up at me, meeting my eyes with his pure gold and blue almost crystalline ones. How interesting, crystalline eyes are very rare, only really seen in certain noble familys. Bright red hair, good build, and visibly strong but not overly so. Well, that doesn't matter right now. He needs healing. "Can I get you to sit up a bit for me, so I can look at the wound." He stares at me for a second, contemplating my request, then sits up straighter showing off the wound. It's deep, and quite a bit of blood is flowing out. "Alright, do me a favor and put pressure on it for me." I take his hand gently, giving him the chance to pull away if he doesn't like it, and place it over the wound. I release his hand as I feel him put pressure on it. "I'll be right back, just wait a sec." I look at him for confirmation, and leave when he nods. Getting up I walk away to the newly established (and currently being formed) supply table. Grabbing bandages, a sewing kit and painkillers.

      "Do you have any idea who that is!?" Someone says from behind me, as i get up to the table and start looking for the supplies I need. "That's the prince idiot, what do you think you're doing with him?" I turn around looking at her and give her a disbelieving look. "You can't just walk in here like you own the place, tell everyone what to do and then go touch the prince so casually!" She was yelling by the end of it, how annoying.

      "I don't care if he's some noble or the prince," I grab what I need and start to walk past her, back to where the supposed 'prince' is. "He is a patient, so I am going to treat him." I walk forward slightly pushing her away. Going steadily towards him.

      "But you can't-" she starts. Following close behind me, to close.

      "Wouldn't him being the prince give me more of a reason to treat him." I say as we reach him. He looks up at me, hand still on his wound.

      "Well yes,...but we aren't supposed to touch him!"

      "0 no~ I'm healing the prince of the kingdom's injuries so he doesn't sit on the floor and bleed out." I look her dead in the eye, making her flinch in surprise at the amount of venom I'm giving off. "I'll make sure to take my place in Valiez when I'm done." She stands there and gapes at me for a second before running off to go busy herself elsewhere, and I turn back to start on the stab wound. After a few minutes when I'm done with the stitches and just patching him up, he finally speaks.

      "You have quite a lot of bravery for someone so young."

      "I get that a lot."

      "I'm sure." He says. I finish patching him up and cleaning the supplies. He goes to stand but falters for a second. So I offer him my hand, he takes it and says "thank you." He's tall, 6 feet compared to my rather normal 5'7, even if it isn't exactly normal for my age. Not much but still annoying.

      "No problem, that's what I'm here for" I take a step back and give a small wave in dismissal. Then I look him in the eyes and give a sort of half smile half smirk. "Just because you're a royal doesn't mean you're exempt from needing healing. Good luck, your majesty." I take another step back and bow in a semi-sarcastic manner.

      "To you as well." When I look up he's starting to walk off. "What an interesting guy." I think to myself. Then I catch a smell, an old smell. Something I've smelled before, but its been a long time.. A terrible smell...a dangerous one. I quickly look around, frantically looking for the source of it. In the corner of my eye I see the prince stop and look at me, but I'm too focused on finding it to care. "What's wrong?" I hear from beside me. Jumping a bit I look up at him, (when did he get next to me?). "Is something wrong?" He says, then stops in his tracks and scrunches his nose, "Is that?" He says as realization hits him like a boulder to the face. He looks down at me, surprised at my notice at the smell. I look up at him, then we take off. We have to find the source, before it spreads or gets worse.

We have to find it.

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