1 - 36 weeks

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"Gross pervert with a mediocre brain and daddy issues."

This chapter contains foul language.

"Once again Draco, just because you managed to keep your grimy hands off yet another girl this week, DOES NOT MEAN YOU CAN EVEN THINK TO GET WITH ME!" Like god! He has some nerve thinking that I am actually going to stick to our little deal.

"You know what Davies I'm done trying," God he is such an arrogant prick, "hey Pansy, follow me." Walking away with a stupid smug on his face.

It was the same act over and over again since 4th year.

"Why did you even make that deal?" I turned to Astoria who is laughing sitting beside me. "But seriously Arabella how did you ever think he would stay away from all girls for a week."

"Well apparently he did this week and-"

"Well Angelina from Gryffindor says different" Astoria cut me off and bursted out laughing.

"God that sleazy scumbag thinks he can fake his way through." I sunk into the couch.

"Like you are ever going to put out," I stayed silent, "Right Arabella!"

"What no, no way." Like I would even thinking about having feelings for Malfoy. He sleeps with a different girl every night, how he hasn't gone through all of Hogwarts yet. "Anyways, I going to head up, you coming?"

"I'll be up later, night Bella." Astoria called out as I walked towards the girls dormitories.

We were only three weeks into 6th year and I'm already over it.


I woke up bright and early as always. I got up and got into the shower; the smell of my rose and honey body wash flood through the steam. I stepped out and wrapped my towel around myself, as soon as I walked into our bedroom Astoria sat up and yawned.

She looked towards her clock, "Holy fuck really Bella it's 6 o'clock!" She groaned falling back down onto her pillow.

I laughed, "I like to take my time and not RUSH OUT THE DOOR!" I yelled the last part right in her ear.

I walked over to my wardrobe going through all my options for the day, I gathered up a few items and walked back into our shared bathroom. I looked over at Astoria before closing the door, of course she was back to sleep.

Sat in front of my vanity, I decorated it with pictures of my friends and family; it's helped with the home sickness, I first started with my makeup. My signature red lip always did the trick. I finished off my daily look by straightening my golden blond hair and placing a black headband, just behind my ears. I decided to wear my black tights under neath a green Slytherin skirt and white turtle neck sweater. I looked in the mirror admiring how much of a fashion genius I am, then walked back into the shared bedroom.

"Astoria don't you want to head down for breakfast?" She rolled over.

"Jeez are you trying to make Draco or any other Slytherin boy embarrass themselves in classes today?!" I chuckled as Astoria swiftly stepped out of bed and threw on a robe. "Okay then let's go."

"Astoria are you kidding me?!" I pulled a pair of jeans and a sweater out of her wardrobe and threw it at her head,

"Hey! Rude much!"

"Go and change!" I pointed to towards the bathroom, Astoria stood up and stuck her tongue out at me as she closed the door. "And don't take so long!"

I decided to wait out in the common room. I laid down on the large jade green sofa and patiently waited for Astoria. I rested my eyes until I heard footsteps descending down the staircase. "Took you long enough." I remained laying on the couch with my eyes fully shut.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting darling." My eyes popped open and I sat up instantly. Fuck. Right in front of me was the one person I loathed to see. Draco Malfoy. "You look tired love, did me and Pansy keep you up?" He chuckled.

"Pansy and I." I corrected with a sense of accomplishment.

"Save it for class Davies." He scoffed whilst fixing his cuff links. "We all know you need all the points you can get." Jerk face, "See you at breakfast then, yeah? I'll save you a seat." He winked and walked out.

Gross pervert with a mediocre brain and daddy issues.

Soon after Astoria came down, "If you didn't take so long I wouldn't of had have to had the most disgusting conversation of my life."

"O boo who, you and Malfoy are just going to need to get over all the obvious sexual tension and move on, I seriously don't understand how you've never even kissed the guy seeing as you're always in each others faces."

"Ew gross you're going to make me lose my appetite." I gagged.

"Okay then let's go." I followed Astoria out.


We entered into the Great Hall; much later than I'm used to...

I noticed a platinum head seated at the Slytherin table, his eyes looked up and straight into mine. I gulped as I saw his hand wave us over.

As soon as Astoria and I got over to the table Draco tapped on the seat beside him indicating me to take a seat; reluctantly I did.

"Told you I'd save you a seat darling." He smirked.

Astoria took a seat beside Blaise; her boyfriend. Blaise kisses her cheek as she takes her seat.

"Blahhhhh get a room." Draco exclaimed.

"Unlike you I don't need to hide my love." Blaise snuggled up to Astoria, "You keep doing that and I'm going to make you hide your love." Astoria pushed him off. Everyone at the table giggled.

Looking at them both I wished I had someone like that, someone to laugh with and spend time with. I've never been in love; actually, I've only had my first kiss and we don't bring it up.

"Bella? BELLA??" I snapped out of my thoughts. "Aren't you going to eat?"

"Uh yeah sorry!" I started to grab my usual but heard a throat clear next to me. I looked up to see Draco look down at my plate and to my surprise he had filled it with the breakfast I get everyday. I looked back at him but he was just looking down at his food smiling; I felt warm for a moment.

After everyone had finished eating we all walked to our first class; Potions.

Only 36 weeks of 6th year left, and I'm counting down the days.

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