3 - Lovebirds

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"You wish you could call me daddy."

This chapter contains foal language.

"I'm Arabella, but most people just call me Bella." I responded while sticking out my hand, he took it firmly for a shake. I was slightly embarrassed when I realized most of the class was staring. "I think we should pay attention, I'll talk to you soon?" Harry simply gave me a nod and headed towards some other Hufflepuffs.

"Is it just me or did it get steamy in here?" Astoria said without a care in the world about her volume. My faced was bright red.


After the lesson, everyone headed back to the common room. We all got together to hang out before the next class. This was my favourite part of the day; just me and my family. I was never close to my real family, my mom and dad are too self absorbed to even notice me. But I will always have these crazy people.

We were all sat on the couches, Blaise had Astoria propped up on his lap, Pansy all pissed off because Malfoy used her for sex again, Crabbe and Goyle stuffing their faces with baked treats I made a couple days ago. We were the perfect little group, I loved them all; well...

"God could you guys be any closer to each other?" Malfoy said so over dramatically.

"O I'm so sorry Draco, is this better." Astoria passionately linked to Blaise's lips. Everyone was howling and whistling, except for Draco.

"You know I like this, this is good." Blaise said while picking up Astoria bridal style and carrying her to our dorm.

"Let's hope that doesn't become regular." I rolled my eyes at their actions.

"I for one think young love is great and should be supported, huh Drakie?" She smirked towards Malfoy. "O yea and Pansy we will all support you in your teenage pregnancy, I've noticed the weight gain and we will be here every step of the way." I nudged Crabbe and Goyle who weren't entirely listening but immediately agreed and nodded with cupcakes shoved in their mouths. Malfoy and I were holding in laughter as Pansy got up and stormed out of the room.

We bursted out laughing while Goyle and Crabbe sat there clueless. "What are you laughing at daddy?" I started laughing even harder.

"You wish you could call me daddy." He clapped back.

"In your dreams Malfoy." I walked up to interrupt Blaise and Astoria.

"Always will be Davies." He mumbled under his breath.


By the end of the day I was exhausted. I had spent my evening helping Crabbe study for transfiguration and after that I spent hours finishing my homework from Snape; which of course Draco didn't help with at all. By the end I left the library it was 1:00am, I had to convince Librarian Irma to let me stay passed closing, I then had to sneak back to the dungeons.

"Pureblood" I whispered as I reached the Slytherin door.

It was pitch black as I entered the common room. I stumbled my way towards my dorm room I noticed a sock placed on my door. "Great thanks a lot Tori." I made my way back to the couches to settle in for the night.

I dropped my book bag on the floor and flopped on the sofa.

"Hello darling." God! I let a silent scream escape from mouth, it felt like I had a heart attack. I heard the smug laughter of an absolute prick.

"Jeez was it absolutely fucking necessarily to scare the shit out of me?!" I lashed out at him.

"No, but it was definitely worth it." Still giggling. "Why are you even down here, go to bed."

"Can't do that, the two love birds are occupying my room."

"Why don't you sleep in my room?" Malfoy grabbed my book bag off the floor and started walking towards his door.

"Hold up Malfoy what makes you think I'm getting into bed with you." I followed him up the stairs.

"Chill Davies, I have a private dorm. You can have the bed, I'll sleep on my couch." He opened the door to his room and I was flooded with the smell of mint.

"Are you sure?" I questioned, wondering why a person such as Draco Malfoy would be offering me his bed as he is offering to sleep on the couch.

"I'm sure Davies." He placed my book bag bed side and walked over to his closet. He pulled a t-shirt out and tossed it to me. "Bathroom is just behind you if you would like to clean up."

"Thanks." I said still very confused. I entered his bathroom, it was completely cover in black marble and it was practically the size of my dorm room. I washed my face with some wash I found in the cupboard , took off all my school clothes and put on his t-shirt. I stepped out and the room was dark. I crawled into his bed, it was silky and soft, it felt like pure heaven.

"Goodnight Bel." Bel?

"Goodnight Draco."

Okay to be clear Harry Styles is not 27 here... he's 17 and in 7th year. Also this chapter is significantly shorter, thinking of making them all like this just so I can make updates more often:)

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