2 - Interesting Introduction

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"I think she's hit her head sir."

"As I was saying," Professor Slughorn cleared his throat, "can anyone inform me of this potion?" He pointed towards a bubbling cauldron.

"That would be Polyjuice potion" I blurted out while gagging at the stench, "know for its taste and transforming abilities." I noted Hermione roll her eyes across the room.

"10 points for Slytherin, very well Ms. Davies. Just for that you will draw the first partner from my beaker for our next project." Everyone groaned in disappointment as Professor Slughorn reached for his beaker which magically filled with slips of paper. "Go ahead Ms. Davies." I reached in a fiddled with a couple slips and pulled one out and handed it to Professor Slughorn. "Ah, Draco Malfoy, you and Ms. Davies will be partnered please find a seat. Who would like to draw next?"

Heart dropped.

I quietly took my seat next to Malfoy. He started pulling out his notes and quilt to prepare for todays lesson. I took a second to glance and was surprised by the neatness and organization of his papers.

"What are you looking at Davies?" Malfoy spat as he noticed I was staring at his penmanship.

"Nothing, I just didn't know Draco Malfoy writes like a girl." I giggled while reaching for my own notebook. As I pulled my book bag off the ground Draco "playfully" shoved me over. Suddenly, my stool started tipping over and I almost fell to the ground before someone caught me.

"Woah! Hey, are you okay." I was staring into two sea foam green eyes. I suddenly snapped back into reality and saw Draco jump from his chair to come to my aid.

"Yeah I think I'm okay, ow, my head hurts." I felt 4 arms bring me up from the cold stoney floor.

"Oi is everything okay over there?" Professor Slughorn shouted.

"I think she's hit her head sir." I stood like a rag doll unable to stand alone.

"Right, um, will one of your bring Ms. Davies to the infirmary?"

"I will." The two people holding me up volunteered simultaneously.

"Um, Mr. Malfoy please take Ms. Davies and keep her company I'll update you both on your assignments later today." I felt one set of arms drop from my side as Draco and I started exiting the classroom.

After a while Draco and I enter into the infirmary and were greeted by Madame Pomfrey. She took a hold of me and placed me into one of the private rooms. I suddenly felt extremely dizzy and my vision was blurring in and out. I heard Madame Pomfrey talking to Draco about what had happened before I blacked out.


I jolted up from my slumber, confused about my surroundings. It was pitch black outside. My head started to pinch again, I tried to move my hand to my head but it was held down. I looked down to see Draco laying asleep in an uncomfortable hospital chair placed beside my bed; he was holding onto my hand. I looked up to see a figure walk into my room. Madame Pomfrey was holding a lantern and a table tray with an assortment of medications. "He did want to leave your side dear, he insisted on staying until you had woken up." She said in a quiet whisper.

My heart starting beating just a bit faster. The Draco Malfoy? Concerned about my health? Insisting on spending the night? It wasn't the Draco Malfoy I was use to. I was familiar with the douche bag who hits on every girl, bosses me around during Quidditch practice, little daddy's boy, Draco Malfoy.

"O I guess that's okay then." I responded while looking down at the for once peaceful Slytherin. "Would you like me to send him back to his dormitories?" She asked as she prepared a potion.

"No, no that wouldn't be necessary." She handed me the potion and I guzzled it down quickly.

"Very well dear, you should be fine to attend your classes tomorrow." She left the room and it was pitch black again. I could only see the shimmer of the moon light hitting the blonds hair.

And just like that, I fell asleep. Holding his hand.


I woke up with the sun shinning in my eyes. I looked towards Draco's little blue chair; but it was empty. I wash of disappointment came over me. Madame Pomfrey entered to give me a few vials of medicine for the remainder of the week. It was early in the morning. I walked towards the basement and towards the dormitories. I whispered the password and started to make my way up the girls staircase. I glanced over to the boys rooms. Draco's door was slightly ajar, you could hear the sounds of his morning shower. I slightly smiled and continued my way to my room.

I was craving a hot shower. I stepped in and felt all my energy calm. I walked out in a robe and picked out an outfit for the day. I wasn't a uniform person; the professors had learned that after 56th detention and gave up. I picked out a flowy dark red dress that sat just above my knees, a pair of knee high white leather boots and placed a white headband through my blond locks.

Walked out to see Astoria all dressed and ready for breakfast. "You're up early for once." She jumped around obviously surprised to see me.

She ran up and gave me a huge hug. "Jeez are you okay! You were gone the whole day AND NIGHT!" I laughed at her concern, "I'm okay, Draco took care of me." I said with a grin, Astoria glanced at me with a side eye.

"Okay we are going to miss breakfast if we stay in this room any longer." I exclaimed as I started exiting the room.

After breakfast, we all headed to Herbology. Unlike Potions or Defence Against the Dark Arts, Herbology is a class only between two houses. This year Slytherin was paired up with Hufflepuff. Our group of friends, particularly the boys, loved this class since they could make fun of the Hufflepuff students in "their habitat". We walked as a group and took a seat on the right side closet to the wall at the back of the class. I started taking out my notes needed, "Pst" I heard. I looked beside me and a well dress Hufflepuff with droopy brown hair was staring back at me.

"Can I help you with something." I returned to looking down into my book bag.

"I was just wondering if you were okay." He sounded smug, "And why wouldn't I be." I heard Astoria chuckle next to me.

"Well you had quite the fall yesterday and I couldn't find you after class." He was totally unfazed with my comment. I looked up about to speak and I noticed his eyes. Seafoam green. This was the boy that had caught me from falling. I was silent for some time and my entire friend group had realized. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Draco, who was sitting just in front of me, his head was turned slightly almost as if he was listening to the conversation. "Right," I responded somewhat out of the attitudeI had presented before, "what was your name again?"

He smirked, "Harry, Harry Styles."

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