My boy

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Prompt; Male Y/n and Camilo are flirting and some words (or kisses) get the shifter flustered.

Thank you so much for the request
Y/N's pov

Me and Camilo were on one of our rare alone dates, normally a "date" meant I was eating dinner with the Madrigal family. But these were the more preferable ones, No yelling, no chaos, no little kids running around; just me and Camilo.

We sat at the river making snarky and flirty remarks towards each other having another little contest of who can get the other flustered, winner gets to choose the next date.

"You know Príncipe, I think you outstand all the stars with the guapo smile you have" I laugh at his line but it did make me feel better on one thing "No, no, no cariño we all know you are the most handsome," I climbed onto his lap kissing his cheek (this aint smut damnnit dont get dirty minded) before contuining my remarks "And kind, funny, smart." Everytime I said a compliment a kiss went with it.

"You are the rosa to my vines my pretty boy" I said finally and I could hear Camilo's breath hitch looking at him I could tell his cheeks were getting more red, I knew I won buuuut I really rather not stop.

"Did I get the carefree Camilo flustered" I said in a baby tone causing him to chuckling "Si si you won, cariño good job" He kissed my nose leaning his forehead on mine.

"Great next date will be fun"

"I look forward to it my Príncipe"


Im sorry this is so short, my family is getting hectic since it's christmas eve-

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