Chapter 7

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Just going to lable it Chapter 7 8 9 10 and so on because I can never think of titles lol! This chapter kinda sucks and I am not happy with it but here you go!


Everything was going great until we got off of stage and Darcy had a panic attack. A massive one too. I was so happy with how awesome it went out there and she has a panic attack right after.

We called the ambulance because it was really bad. As the boys and I ran out all these paps took our pictures asking what happened. Liam answered, "Please stop. We are going to the hospital. That's all you need to know."

I didn't answer them at all, just concerned about Darcy. First was with those girls and now we were going to the hospital again.

I just wanted to be with her. I was scared shitless to be honest. I felt like I was going to piss myself. I didn't know what to do. I just kept rubbing my hands together and what-not. It was weird. I don't know what to say to be honest. I just felt scared and I sound like a complete idiot I know, but I care about her. A lot. More than I think I want to admit. Sometimes I have this problem. Harry looked at me, "Listen, I know you have strong feelings for Darcy and this is probably a horrible time to bring this up, but, maybe you should be more careful. I know how it feels to have your heart broken."

I looked at him strangly, "What is Darcy gonna break up with me? Is there something that I don't know?"

We were really close to the hospital and Harry shook his head, "Nevermind, we'll talk about it later."

I looked at him, "Uh, no, we will talk about this now."

Harry looked down, "I'm not turnin' this into a big fight, I was just saying for you to watch. It seems like you've grown very fond of her and she could break you like this," He snapped his fingers, "It has happened to me before." He climbed out of the van and so did I. The rest of the boys were already out. Harry and I were in the back so I'm pretty sure they hadn't heard us.


We were out of the hospital a few hours later. Apparently it wasn't that big of a deal. Whatever.

Darcy's P.O.V

They gave me some drug and then I was free to go. I was knocked out and woke up in my bed. I yawned and made sure not to rub my eyes due to my awesome make up. I wondered it that was still there? Niall was next to me and he smiled, "You're awake. Do you want anything?"

I smiled, "Yeah, some Mickey D's would be good." I called McDonalds Mickey D's sometimes like my mom. Niall nodded and got up. I was about to follow him when he stopped me, "No, just rest until I get back."

I shrugged, "Mkay, take your time." He knew what I wanted, some chicken nuggets, french fries, and a vanilla milkshake. Man was I hooked on those milkshakes.

I was relaxing when the door opened. I saw a smiling Harry. I waved him to come in and I scooched over so he could sit on the bed. "How are you feeling?" He said in a heavy british accent.

I shrugged, "Good, I was knocked out for an hour but pretty good. Niall's getting me some food."

He nodded slightly and slowly. "So, I know this is kind of forward, but, do you ever imagine yourself with someone other than Niall?"

I was confused, "Well, Niall is like my Prince Charming so to say. I actually think I'm falling for him, hard."

He nodded and smirked, "I don't think you entirely answered my question Darce." That was his nickname for me.

I rolled my eyes and said honestly, "No. I am happy with Niall. Do I have a reason not to be?"

Harry had on a hurt expression, "Niall just says things to me and you know I love you Darcy, you're awesome."

I knew he meant the friend love you because I say I love you to all the guys, I only mean in a relashionship way with Niall. I was more focused on the 'things Niall says', "So," I inched closer to Harry, "What kind of things does he say?"

He shrugged, "Sometimes that he's getting sick and tired of your bull. He even said...erm...don't tell him I said this but, he told me he's planning on breaking up with you. I'm really sorry love."

I felt like I was stabbed in the throat. I felt like I couldn't breathe. I felt like I was being strangled from the inside. I felt like I was being ripped apart from the inside too. I felt all these things happening at once and hurt.

I felt like crying but couldn't bring myself to it. Maybe it was a joke? Maybe Harry was messing with me and Niall would pop into the door laughing his head off, we would make up by having a make out session but not going any farther.

But he didn't pop into the room.

Harry cupped my cheek and before I could ask what he was doing, he kissed me.

I pushed him away. He smirked and I yelled, "What are you doing!"

"I thought this is what you want. Niall's leaving you anyways." He shrugged.

I shook my head, "Well he obviously hasn't left me yet so don't kiss me! Get out! I'm so telling Niall this."

"You know his decision will be final then. You know he'll leave you. Do you think he'll believe you or his best friend? Your call." He walked out of the room and closed the door behind him.

Harry was right, I bet Niall would choose Harry. I won't tell Niall. And it most certainly won't happen again.

Niall's P.O.V.

I walked up the stairs and ran into Harry. "Hey mate. I gotta talk to you."

I shrugged and he pulled me into his room which was right to my left. I set the food down on a dresser and rubbed my hands together, "I gotta get this to Darcy before it gets cold what do ya need?"

Harry sat down, "She kissed me man. I told you."

I was confused, "Who kissed you?"

Harry looked up, "Your girl, mate. Right on the lips. She told me you would pick her over me so I wasn't allowed to say anything but I had to."

I felt like my heart was being ripped from my chest. Darcy would never do that to me. I just told the world she was my girlfriend, I gave her everything!

"R-really? What-what do I do?" I completely believed Harry. My best mate wouldn't do something like that to me on purpose. She kissed him behind my back, while I was getting her food!

"I think you need to march in there, throw that dang food at her and tell her to get out."

I couldn't be rude though. "I can't be rude. Maybe I should talk to her."

"No no no. She needs to leave. I can't even look at her."

"I really think I should talk to her." I said.

He narrowed his eyes, "Fine. I can't believe I have to do this but either she leaves, or I leave the band."

Wait...did he just say?

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