Chapter 13

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Things have gotten weird since Layla led but at least I know she's alright.

I developed a habit of smoking thanks to Zayn who introduced it to me.

"Niall," I said while picking up my keys to my new car he bought for me, "I'm out of cigs I'm gonna go buy some from the store." He kissed me then told me to be careful but then went back to watching tv.

I got into my car then plugged my phone into the car so I could play music. It was weird because I was so used to driving on the opposite side.

While I was listening to Who's Laughing Now? By Jessie J, I got a phone call. It wasn't a number I recognized and I thought this should be good probably some crazy fan who got my number. I answered it though.

"Hello?" I said into my iPhone 5.

"Darcy? It's Connor." I couldn't believe it. Connor was my middle school boyfriend. He was the first boy I asked out. We'd dated until 9th grade. I haven't talked to him in forever.

"Connor! How'd you get my number?"

I could picture the smirk on his face, "Layla. She said she had to make things right, whatever the frig that means." I knew what it meant. Layla would never give my number to anyone except Connor. She'd always wanted us back together. But, I don't think she gave him my number to break Niall and I up. I think she was trying to make things right and I do miss Connor.

"How've you been? I haven't seen you in forever except in pictures on FaceBook. It's been what a year?" I spoke into the phone. I pulled into the parking lot at the store and turned the car off but still sat there.

He spoke, "Good. I keep seeing you everywhere I go, magazines love doing articles on you."

I smiled, "I haven't noticed, I don't get out much."

There was silence for a few seconds but then he said, "I know you're with Niall and he's famous and all and cool and we haven't been together in awhile but, when are you coming home? I mean, not that it's my place to say anything but England isn't your home."

I didn't get mad or anything because he was right and I was just beginning to realize this, England is not my home. Heck, I'm still a teenager! Connor was a little right though, it really isn't his place to tell me this even if he's right.

I took a deep breath, "I understand where you're comin' from but you're right it isn't your place to tell me this and if that's all you called to say then I'm gonna go."

There was a pause in the conversation then, "That's all. But I didn't summon up my courage for 2 years to talk to you again for nothing. You'll hear from me again. Soon." He hung up and I rolled my eyes. He can get so dramatic sometimes. He waited 2 years to talk to me? I wonder if that's true or he's trying to take me on a guilt trip.

I got out of my car and already crazy fans were surrounding it. I shouldn't have come without a body guard. Whatever, I'll live.

They saw me buying cigarettes and a million questions started. I was fed up with not answering like everyone tells me to.

"Who were you on the phone with and are you smoking?" She shouted at me when I stepped out side. I answered her question when I lit a cig and smoked it. "Zayn got me hooked. What can I say? He's pretty convincing. I was on the phone with an old friend."

While on my way back to the car everyone kept asking his name so I said right before I opened my door, "Connor." I got in and I drove back to the house where I will be safe. I think I made a big mistake in telling them his name.


It was everywhere. On magazines on TV that I was cheating. I was honest with Niall and told him I talked to Connor. I told him everything except for the going home thing. Connor texted me once during the 2 day period and we had been talking nonstop.

When Niall asked I told him it was a friend from home. I don't want him to get worried or anything that I'm cheating or something. But, I know eventually I'll get caught and he'll be mad but for now I'm taking my chances.

I started laughing at something Connor sent me when Niall grabbed my phone.

"Hey!' I exclaimed when he started reading my texts.

"It's been him the entire time?! You've been lying to me?!" He said in a very angry tone.

I shook my head, "I said it was a friend and I wasn't lying. He's a friend." I crossed my arms.

"Yeah! You're ex boyfriend!" I ran my hands through my hair and sat down on the couch. The boys had walked into the room since they heard our argument.

"What's going on?" Louis asked acting serious for once.

"Niall's mad because I've been talking to Connor." They all looked between Niall and I. Niall was currently looking through my texts between Connor and I.

"You know what," I looked at Niall as did the boys, "Maybe you should go home and be with Connor. I'm done."



Hey y'all! I thought it was a pretty good chapter kinda short but whatever. I think there's going to be maybe 1 or 2 more chapters then the stories ends I haven't thought a lot about it. But there ya go! Comment what you think should happen next!





:{D ~Destaneeeeeeee

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