Chapter 8

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A/N Bam baby! Didn't see that coming! Hereeeee you go, my unpatient fans :{D

Niall's P.O.V

"Mate, at least let me talk to her." I said while running a hand through my hair.

"Listen," Harry said, "I told you what happened you don't wanna hear lies from Her! you? Would you rather her over your best mate? You know this will ruin One Direction. Think about the fans."

I did take what he said into consideration. It's just, I really did fall for her. Then I thought of something.

"Wait, why are you so worried about me talking to her? What are you hiding?" I pushed past him and stormed out the door. Harry was close on my tail when I walked into my room. I saw Darcy sitting on the bed with her cheeks stained with tears.

I walked over and she stood up. "It-it wasn't my fault. I never meant to hurt you. Niall, I swar I never kissed him. Well, we kissed but I didn't start the kiss, he did! I swear!" She started crying again which pained me to watch.

Although she kissed my best mate I sort of believed her. "Harry, you are my band member, just like a brother to me. Why would you do this?"

Harry shook his head, "She's lying! She kissed me. You know I would never do that to you!"

"You know, I'm not so sure of that. Can you uh, leave please." I didn't even feel rage. I was sad because why would he try to ruin my relashionship like that? He's supposed to be my friend. My best mate.

He rolled his eyes and muttered, "You're making a big mistake." With that he turned and walked out down to his room.

I didn't know why he was going into his room. Why is he acting like this? He's acting like a child. I know we are 'kids' according to some people, but that phase is over for me. Sure I'll have fun like a kid but I know when it needs to stop. When it goes too far.


Wow. Shiz went down in this house! Ahem, mansion! No I don't want to joke but dang! I mean, I am pretty ticked off at Harry. Sorry, MEGA TICKED OFF at Harry. He should try to find his own God damn girlfriend besides trying to steal me from Niall. Take me away from Niall. Whatever you want to say.

I can't get too stressed, well, I shouldn't. Most people would probably be having a stroke thinking 'Oh em gee! I just broke up One Direction!' and shiz but whatever. I didn't break them up, not yet. I didn't think that the boys would let a girl come between them though, I guess that really means Niall has pretty strong feelings for me! Hooray!

This is not a time for cheering and laughing. No.

I need to chill.

Maybe I should take a chill pill. Do they even have those? People always tell me to take a chill pill and maybe I will!

Wow. I just can't finisha thought. Ever. In a few seconds I'll move onto something else. But, I really need to focus. Wow, I was just sitting here thinking all this and Niall looked like he wanted to cry. I didn't blame him though. The guy was sensetive. I wouldn't call him a girl, more like a baby penguin. A lovable baby penguin. And kissable.

I totally just changed subject.

Now that sounded weird...ah the heck with it.

Back to reality.

"Niall, should we. . .go after him?" I asked cautiously.

"Heck no! That big gigantic jerk should run like a little baby! I will mess him up!" He exclaimed.

I rolled my eyes. "Then go after him Niall! Also, there's nothign big about him. Little joke. Anyway, how about instead of fighting you should stop being a baby and find out really why he did it."I snapped back.

He shook his head, "So you're defending him now? He kissed you Darcy!"

I crossed my arms and stood up. "You don't know what is going on with him. Now grow something and figure out what was going on. I'm not defending him but I'm doing this for One Direction now get your butt whatever you wanna call it and instead of beating the crap out of him figure it out! Stop acting like a little baby!"

He shook his head and turned around. He slammed his fist against the wall then headed to Harry's room. I followed him because I'm not going to let him beat the shiz out of him 'cuz then he'll never talk.

Niall walked into the door, "Listen, you did a pretty messed up thing. I'm not here to beat the living crap out of you. . .yet. Just tell me why you did it." Harry didn't seem like he was going to start talking so Niall added, "For the sake of One Direction."

Harry still wasn't talking so I went into his room and got face to face with him.

"Listen you idiot. You didn't kiss Niall. You kissed me. You may think you don't owe and explanation to Niall but you owe one to me. Hurry up before I beat the fudge out of you." I said.

They both looked taken back.

Niall wasn't really one to fight, but I was. I wouldn't hold back from kickin' him in the sacred spot

He sighed, "I guess your relashionship is just so perfect and you're hot I can't hide it. I know you belong with Niall but I just wanted to make myself feel better. Maybe if you picked me over Niall it would give me some satisfaction. After I kissed you I felt like a loser and a poopybest friend. So, I didn't want Niall to find out. I really am sorry." He looked down.

I knew by Niall's facial expression that he soffened up a bit. But he was still mad. "I'm not gonna say I'm not still mad at you, but I kinda know how you feel. But there's one thing that makes me a better to her then you," I looked at him while Harry did too, "She isn't hot. She's beautiful."


Yo! That was lame I was all like yo! Anyways, this took me FOREVER to write and I'm sorry. I got grounded and what-not. But this was short sorry but yeah. I have over 1,000 reads thanks to all of you I luv you all! Please leave a comment about anything I love reading them and I ALWAYS reply. If you fan I fan back! Please vote, it's just a click! Sorry for any mistakes I didn't proofread maybe someday like in a month lol, I'm too busy working on the next chapter! Anyways, leave a comment on what YOU think should happen next! I might just put it in the story!






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