Chapter VI

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Faith's pov

"Be careful War," I said to myself as I watched him enter the Shadow Realm and walk away to find those servants of the Destroyer. Leaving me to do nothing but wait for his return once more. As I stand here next to the Gate, my mind couldn't help but wander back to the Hellguard. Ever since the death of Abaddon, things have changed. I still recall the time when he wanted to speak to me about something, something very important.

He said to me that if anything were to happen to him, then the Hellguard would have become mine to command. Why? I had no clue, and I wonder if I ever will know. One way or another, Uriel had somehow caught word of it. She never showed her anger whenever Abaddon or any of the other angels were in the same room, but whenever it was just us two, she never holds back. Since then in those days, I've developed a slight fear of her. Uriel has always looked up to Abaddon, did everything in her power to please him, even if it means costing her life but he didn't seem to care for it. I was so lost in thought till a familiar voice brought me back to reality, then I saw War standing in front of me, he killed off the Destroyers servants that quickly?!

"Faith, are you alright."

"Of course, but I'm surprised to see you back so quickly." He didn't say anything else to me but walked over to Gate and awakened it with the horn. Within that moment, I swore I'd seen him smile for a bit.

"Ancestors praise you," said the Gate as it stood up and walked away, allowing our way through. As we travelled into the tunnels while still killing enemies along the way, we then came to another part of the ruined Third Kingdom. The only difference was the bridge that was above us.

"We're so close to Tiamat yet still very far."

"Where do we need to go now?"

"We must continue going north. The only problem is that we need to travel by air to get there," I said to War as I started to fly up into the air.


"Don't worry War, I'm not leaving you! I'll wait for you at the top of the bridge."

However, just as I made it there, the undead humans were also there. At first, I was hesitant to fight but I kept telling myself that they are no longer people, if I want to help War then I have to start showing it. Everything was going okay so far when suddenly a group of large bats were heading towards me; when it comes to air combat, that is something that I'm still working on, especially if it's just me against all of them. That was until War came in on time and slain them off.

"Are you alright Faith," War asked me with a small yet worried tone in his voice.

"I'm okay. Thank you, War."

"Good." We didn't say anything else after that, so we pushed on with the mission. Before we could continue, one of the larger demons has appeared.

"Oh no, not that thing again!"

"Faith, take to the air! I don't want you trying to fight against this demon!"

"You don't have to tell me twice War, I know my limits!"

And with those last words, I went into the air while keeping a safe distance from the fight. I was so busy thinking about War's safety, not caring if anything or anyone I would know to end up seeing me. Right now; War matters the most to me, and nothing else.


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