Chapter XXI

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War's pov

After the situation has calmed down between us and the Watcher, I and Faith were finally able to move forward. We made our way across the bridge and walked up the steps to the Tree. Once we got there, we both stopped and looked at the entrance before us.

"This would be your first time seeing the Tree, Faith," I asked her as my eyes didn't look away from the cloudy fog entrance.

"Yes. While I have hired stories about it, this would be my first time actually looking at it. Standing before it..." She responded while falling silent.

"Something wrong?"

"No, well...maybe I'm just a bit worried. The moment we step in, we could see anything. Even if it's something that we don't want to see. We both know what you hope to see, but with me...I have no idea what to expect. But if it means I'll still be fighting by your side; then I'll make sure to be there for you."

From the minute she said those words, I couldn't help but turn my attention to her. And it made me realise something, we went through everything together, this whole mission. From start to finish; she was willing to go against the Hellguard for me, she would fight against a demon for me, she would sacrifice herself for me... Faith, you truly are something else.

"Come on. Let's see what our gifts are," she said while wrapping her small arm around mine. I didn't say anything, but only nodded in response. We slowly move forward to the Tree of Knowledge, but then only to be blinded by a bright light, which was shortly followed by voices. I was seeing a vision. It started with Abaddon talking to Uriel and Faith.

"Would you serve in Heaven? Or rule in Hell?"

"A storm is coming, Uriel and Faith. Soon -- I will need you both by my side."

"I would follow you into Hell, my lord."


Then the vision changed to a more recent time. When the Endwar has begun, angels of the Hellguard were getting killed. Much like the humans. I witnessed the moment all over, from when Abaddon was killed. Single-handed by Straga, but then I saw him fall into a black abyss. This must the moment right after he died.

"They knew... how did they...?"

They knew... I see, so the demons weren't so such as fools after all. Despite all of the careful planning; they were aware of what Abaddon was doing. So they began to prepare and be ready for Heaven's attack out of defence. As I watched the holy leader getting back up, a woman's laughter was heard.

"The best-laid plans... or so the humans used to say."

"You... did this...?"

"You plotted and schemed to call us to this world. I simply took advantage of your initiative."


"I will consider this an offering Abaddon -- and you, my loyal servant. Join me, and take up the mantle of the Destroyer!"


"Once the Throne learns what you've done, you will be cast down. Dragged in chains before the Council. You've already damned. So, I offer you this choice... Would you serve in Heaven? Or rule in Hell?"

Then within a second, Abaddon's form and power began to change. What once was a holy leader, is now a large winged beast. Almost what humans would call a dragon, but it was a demon... The Destroyer. There is another thing, that woman's voice... Where have I heard it before?

"Now, return to Azrael. Persuade him to help us. Then... together, we will change the face of the universe."

I watched as Abaddon, or rather the Destroyer; took off to look for Azrael. I can only guess that is when he was taken to the Tree and things went exactly as planned. The scene then changes again but this time, to the Charred Council. Why are they in this vision...?

"Abaddon MUST be punished! He bends the Law to his will! Laughs in the face of the Council!"

"What proof do we have? The Seals are intact! No doubt the angel had help. But from whom? Until we know, we must WAIT!"

"His act breeds open defiance! The Council weakens... How long before we are overthrown?"

"We can not stop Abaddon... but there are others who might -- if they had a reason."

"We dare not send the Four! Without proof, there is no justice. Only murder. They will see no reason in this... assassination!"

"We will send one, for whom vengeance is reason enough."

So the Council was planning to send one of us... But who? There are only two options to who they could have sent: me, or my sister, Fury. However... Standing here now, it's clear who it is. But even so... why me? The vision changed again to the Destroyer, holding the Seventh Seal?! While the Hellguard was moving in on him, ready to attack.

"The blade is scattered. I guard the Seventh Seal! This world is ours! Heaven is ours!!"

But the next one is what really caught me. It was me, keening to the ground, with the Watcher looking down on me while using its power against me once more.

"You had to know it was a one-way ticket..."

The vision then ends as I was implied by a blade, what appears to be a holy weapon. I watched as I lay there on the floor while holding Faith... who was also bleeding to death. That part must have the future, and I know for a fact that I kill the Destroyer. But also, to make sure that Faith never dies. I slowly made my way toward the corpse of myself and pulled out the blade. Once I did, I was then blinded by its holy power. Everything around me went white, then I find myself slowly starting to wake up.

"...War..." I turned my attention to Faith, who is calling out for me. But she too was waking up, she must have seen the same thing as me. Or something completely different. Either way, I need to make sure that she is okay, and for her to know that I'm okay.

"I'm here Faith. Are you alright?" I asked her.

"Yes, I'm okay. Just a bit drowsy. But... the weapon you have is... well..."

I turned my attention to the blade in my hand, or rather what was a blade. The only thing that was left was the handle alone, that's what the vision meant when the blade was shattered. And no doubt we will have to find the pieces.

"That blade, I believe it's the same one that Abaddon and Azrael used to brack the Seals. I guess the Destroyer really didn't want to take any chances."

"Faith, was your vision the same as mine?"

"Yes, somewhat... But the ending with mine was a bit, different."

"How different?"

"...I'll tell you later on. For now, we should head back. We are very close to the Destroyer now," she said while slowly getting back on her feet. I would ask more but she is right, there's still some work that needs to be done. Plus, I'm keeping a very close eye on the Watcher this time.


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