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Hello! I hope you enjoy this book. I will be trying to update it with a new chapter once a week. It will be mostly unedited, and will read more like a first draft. I will go through editing once it is done.

Please comment on what you think, what you like and also what you don't like or can't understand, because this will let me know where I've blundered in my writing. I want to make this better and better, and I'll need your help. Feel free to send me a message if you want to discuss books, reading or writing them. I'd love to connect with you!

I would also appreciate it if you vote. Comments and votes really encourage me and it helps me continue writing. All though, I would much more appreciate comments and constructive feedback, either through personal messages or in the comments section.

Thank you so very much and I hope you enjoy!

- Connor Kleine

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