Come To Stay-06

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Chapter Six

The apple fell out of her mouth, bounced, and rolled across the floor.
Jordan Whitson glanced up from the paperwork spread on the top of the large oak desk. "Good morning, Miss Corelli. Could you set that tray outside? I'm hoping Bliss sent an extra cup. I could use coffee this morning."

Reeve's expression was brooding. "Aubrey's my physical therapist, not a servant."

"I ... I don't mind," she stuttered. "Really." She placed the breakfast tray on the veranda and came back through Reeve's room.

"Aubrey." Reeve stopped her. "Good morning."

His smile was devastating, her answering one weak but happy. "Good morning." A flowing warmth seeped into her limbs as she exited the room.

"Does she normally dress like that?" Reeve's father's words followed her into the hallway. With a half-laugh, she bit into the corner of her bottom lip. She was wearing baggy gray sweatpants and an old T-shirt.

Mindful of her appearance, she returned with the extra coffee cup and picked up the apple that had rolled halfway under Reeve's bed. "I'll be out of your way in a minute."

"No problem," Reeve assured her. She left in a rush, but not before she caught the look of concern in Jordan Whitson's eyes as he glanced from Aubrey to his son.

Aubrey didn't need to be told what he was thinking. Reeve's father was worried. He didn't want Reeve to fall in love with her-and with good reason. Aubrey wasn't stupid. Jordan's picture of Reeve's future wife was someone like Chantelle-as well it should be. Aubrey would never fit into the Whitsons' world; Reeve's wealth and lifestyle were as foreign to her as propositional calculus had been in her college days.

Later, the spray from the shower relaxed her muscles and soothed her body, but the look in Jordan Whitson's eyes continued to disturb her. He was right-she couldn't argue with him. Now she had to do her part to protect her heart and Reeve's.

Father and son worked until almost noon. Aubrey was sitting on a stool, chatting with Bliss, when Jordan walked into the kitchen. He looked relaxed, pleased, his eyes smiling.

"I owe you more than words can express," he said sincerely to Aubrey. "You've given me back my son. I'm going to see that you receive a generous bonus."

"Please, Mr. Whitson, that's not necessary." The harsh lines of strain about his eyes and mouth had relaxed. That was all the appreciation Aubrey wanted to see.
"Nonsense." He dismissed her plea with a wave of his hand. It was easy to see that arguing would do her no good. Jordan Whitson could be as stubborn as his son. As soon as he left, Aubrey returned to Reeve's quarters to take back the breakfast tray and see if he was ready for their session in the pool.

"This was your idea, wasn't it?" he stormed, as she walked into the room. The anger in his voice stopped her.

"Yes." She wouldn't deny it.

"Well, all I can say is thank God. You wouldn't believe some of the things that have been going on. How my father could make some of these decisions is beyond me."

A tiny smile broke out across her mouth. Aubrey battled to suppress it.

"What's so funny?" He didn't sound pleased.

"Nothing. Do you think you're going to have time to squeeze in the therapy today?"

Reeve set the papers he was working on aside. "I'll make the time." Aubrey's mouth fell open.

"Don't look so shocked. You want to see me out of this thing, don't you?" He patted the rubber on the wheel of his chair.

"I'll get Peter and meet you in the pool."

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