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The picture on the side is of Shillan.


Her thoughts swirled in the menacing darkness of her mind, transporting her back into the void that she was so desperate to escape. She began lashing out at the empty air. Onlookers would have termed her as a fanatic but her neighbours knew better. As the frequency of her sobs rose and the orbs of water spilled onto the ground, the nurses took action.

Shillan slowly assumed a more tranquil state as the demons of her mind were put to sleep with the piercing of the injection's needle. Fragile as she was, her body began to sway as the narcotics commenced their work. Aarzam carried her to her bed and laid her on it with great care, making sure she was comfortable, he fluffed her pillows and piled the blanket around her weak frame. Tucking, a stray strand of hair off her face, he left her to sleep. Before exiting the room, he took one last look at Shillan and sighed. This was more of a groan that encased his suppressed anger mingled with profuse pity.
'Men could sometimes be animals', he thought and with this he withdrew from her room.

Shillan woke up, to see rays of light entering her room, her brain ,however, refused to acknowledge the beauty that lay, in the flowers placed on the bedside table. It refused to see the chirping birds outside, the smiling Sun and the lush view her room afforded. No, all it saw was the darkness that had possessed it. Gone was all the carefree, gentle person replaced by a boorish and broken one. Silent tears trickled down her face. She would never be able to escape. Her life seemed to have come to a standstill. She felt as if she had hit a rock and fallen so hard that her legs had been crushed. She knew she could not support herself back up for she no limbs to pick herself up with.

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