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She sat huddled in a corner on the hospital bed. Her arms protectively wound against her knees, as if shielding herself from an oncoming attack. Fear clouded her eyes, as she scanned the inhabitants of the room. Not once did she wonder about the bruises her arms and legs seemed to display; her thoughts never ran thither to her surroundings. All she could think of was escape. As much as she deliberated upon a plan to run away, her chances to do so thinned. A single door led to the exit. She could see, it was what was used as an entrance as well. She was outnumbered by two people. Her strength was failing her as each second faded into oblivion. She let out a defeated sigh.

Behzad settled onto the sofa and observed Shillan's movements. He was a little surprised to say the least when he saw Shillan recoil at nurse Raffiya's attempt at kindness. He knew at heart Raffiya was anxious of being in such close proximity with an unstable patient but she did put on a good show. She hid her fear well. He noticed, though. He saw the crocodile's feet around her eyes were not crinkling, betraying her act. Her eyebrows were slightly raised, which he knew displayed the signs of fear, surprise or worry. He could discern fear and worry as being the key here.

The sigh that escaped from Shillan's lips brought his scrutiny back onto her. His vision focused on her and he carefully studied her behaviour. He noticed how her eyes darted towards the door time and time again. She narrowed them to slits and lines of concentration burned on her forehead.
"You're not leaving", he simply stated.
Her head was still lowered. She dared not look up at him. Though, he saw how her mouth had curled up in disgust. He then continued,
"Can I call you Shillan?"
For a moment there, she looked up at him as bewilderment etched onto her face. He saw flashes of pain, confusion and anger replace one and the other on her face. A raw feeling flashed at long last and her features composed to display a blank face. Her eyes left him and settled onto her hands. Behzad struggled to maintain composure and reveal not an ounce of annoyance he felt for it would be completely unprofessional of him. Closing his eyes, he rested his head against the wall, his body relaxing into the sofa.

After what seemed like ages to an anxious Shillan and only moments to the composed doctor, a knock sounded on the door. Shillan recoiled further while Behzad's eyes flew open. In stepped Doctor Inam. Her plain white attire, with no ornament that seemed to stand out; she seemed the perfect definition of a simply dressed lady, whose deeply embedded lines adorning her forehead, the crinkles around her eyes and mouth, seemed to earn Shillan's approval.
"Well, young man, what are you still doing here?", she demanded, her voice crisp.

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