🎄Candy Cane Kisses🎄 (Miya Twins and Kita x Reader)

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"Merry Christmas y/n!" The Miya twins say as they walk over to you. Tonight was Christmas Eve, and the Inarizaki boys were having a gift exchange. "Thanks. So are you guys ready to exchange gifts? Who'd you guys have?" You ask. "I had Aran. I honestly wasn't sure what to get him, so I just bought some cheap cologne." Atsumu says. "Oh, that's um, thoughtful." You say, snickering. "What about you Osamu?"

"I had Akagi. I made him a big snack bag of different things. If I was him I'd be happy with that." Osamu says. "Yeah of course you would. You're a glutton and Akagi probably doesn't eat as much as you, fat ass." Atsumu says. Just as the twins begin to shove each other, the rest of the team shows up. "Hi Kita-San!" You say, smiling at the captain. "Hello y/n. Merry Christmas Eve." He smiles back at you. "Let's hurry up and get this started. I want to see what I got!" Atsumu says.

The team sits around in a circle, putting each of their gifts in the middle. "Who wants to go first?" Kita asks. "I can." Aran says, slightly raising his hand. "I had Suna. The gift is the one with red wrapping paper and a silver bow." Suna scoots forward, grabbing the present. He pulls back the wrapping paper and a smile forms across his face as he sees his present. "Thanks so much Aran. You know exactly what I like." Suna tears open one of the jelly sticks, enjoying it as he sits back down.

After a good 20 minutes, everyone had gotten their present except you. "Y/n didn't get her present. Who had her?" Akagi asks. "I did." Kita says. Everyone looks over at their captain and then at you. You pick up the pink bag. Inside is white wrapping paper with gold circles. Pulling the wrapping paper out, you smile as you see what's inside the bag. "Oh wow, thanks Kita-San! I can't wait to play it." You smile at him, holding (video game). "I heard you talking about it last week and how you watch the gameplays on YouTube. I thought it'd be nice if you could play it yourself instead of watching others." He says.

"Yeah, that would be more fun, that's for sure. Thanks again Kita." You say. After the gift exchange, everyone hangs out and talks over Christmas pastries and drinks. You sit down next to Suna, who's now on his third jelly stick. "You know Suna, you're going to run out of those and tomorrow you'll complain that you don't have any." You say. Suna shrugs and smirks at you. "I'm sure my mom bought me some. I didn't give her a big list this year. Figured she needed a break since she has to deal with my Princess of a sister." He says while holding the jelly stick between his teeth.

"So what's up with you and Kita?" He asks. You sweat a bit and raise an eyebrow. "What do you mean? He got me a present and I just said I liked it. What do you think is going on?" You ask. Suna hums a bit and smirks again, but this time it's more of a gossipy expression. "You mean you don't know? I thought you would've figured it out by now. Well, not to spoil your fun, but Kita kind of has a thing for you."

"What? Really? Kita's always been nice to me but I thought it was just because I'm manager." Aran walks over and joins in the conversation.  "Well sure, Kita would treat you nicely because you help the team, but there's more to it. Kita's been talking to us third years about asking you out. He just isn't sure how to leave a good impression." You look over at Kita who's talking with Omimi, eating a candy cane. "I don't want to make him nervous by talking to him. It's probably best to just keep my distance and let him figure things out."

"You like him." Suna says. You look at him, embarrassed. "Stop it Suna. Let's just try to enjoy the night and forget about this." You hope switching the subject would help, but the boys seem focused on Kita and you. Aran looks over at Omimi, nodding his head towards you. Omimi gives a thumbs up, turning to Kita. "Go talk to her, Kita. It's Christmas Eve and tonight's perfect to make a move. Maybe we can get Gin to bring in some mistletoe." Omimi says. "Oh stop. You don't just kiss a girl immediately after asking her out."

Kita walks over to you, sitting down between Suna and Aran. Little did either of you know that the Miya twins had been watching the whole time. "So Kita's just gonna ask y/n out? I don't think so." Atsumu says. Osamu follows behind him as they walk over to the group. "Y/n, let's go look at the Christmas lights! It's getting late and we should be getting home. We can walk you to your house." Atsumu says. "That's nice of you to offer but I think I'm going to hang out here a bit more. You guys can leave though if you want."

"No, we don't want to go just yet. Come on y/n, let's go look at the lights. We won't see each other until after break again." Osamu says. "Look guys, I'm sorry but I want to hang out here." Atsumu and Osamu look at each other disappointedly. "Fine then. But we'll walk you home afterwards." Atsumu says. You didn't understand why the twins were being so pushy. Tonight was supposed to be fun, and the twins weren't their usual selves. "Actually, I don't think it's a bad idea going to look at lights. Osamu, Atsumu, do you still want to go? I can come along too." Kita says.

Having heard Kita was wanting to look at lights, you decided to go as well. After saying goodbye to everyone, the four of you walk to the park. The trees are filled with lights, some blinking and others still. "It's so pretty." You say. "Yeah, she is." Atsumu says. "What?" Kita asks. "The lights, they're pretty." He lies. Kita looks at him and then back to you. "Um, can I talk to you for a second y/n?" He asks. "Oh, sure."

You step aside from the twins and follow Kita behind a tree. "She's not going to go with you just yet Kita. Y/n, we like you. Don't go out with Kita when we're in love with you." Atsumu says. "What." You say. "It's true." Osamu says. "Y/n, do you like them?" Kita asks. "Not romantically. You guys are my friends and I'm your manager. I'm really sorry, but I like someone else. I don't know why you guys chose to bring this up tonight. It's Christmas Eve and I just wanted to spend some time with you guys." You say. Atsumu and Osamu's hearts sink.

"Candy cane?" Atsumu asks, handing you one. "I guess. It can't make anything more awkward than it already is." Atsumu and Osamu eat candy canes too, watching as Kita motions for you to follow him again. Atsumu wraps his arms around you, and his brother does the same. "What the hell are you guys doing now? I told you I'm not interested." "Sssssh." Atsumu says. He buries his face into your neck, and you try to pull away, disgusted. He places a kiss onto your skin, and the scent of mint lingers.

After that, Kita called the twins out, scolded them, and the two of you left the park holding hands. Suna would make fun of them for the rest of the month.

A/n: Hey guys, I literally wrote this in one go, so it's not perfect. Just wanted to get a Christmas one shot out for this year

 Just wanted to get a Christmas one shot out for this year

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💍👈 Marry me now Eita

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