Predator~ Yaku x Reader

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Our top story tonight: 3 teenage boys found dead in Tokyo metro. The bodies have been identified as Nekoma High students Fujita Suzuki, Hiroshi Yoshida, and Jiryu Ishikawa. Autopsy results show that the bodies were stabbed repeatedly in the chest and abdomen. Fujita Suzuki's also sustained a blow to the skull, doctors suspect that some sort of hammer or large utility caused the skull to fracture.

I turn the tv off. Three boys, all in my grade, were found dead. Not only that, but their bodies were completed mutilated. It seemed like something out of a horror movie. I knew the boys, all three of them. I had classes with them, Chemistry 1 and Geometry. Those three were the known troublemakers in my classes. They were bullies, too. They picked on me a lot, often taunting me for my acne or the fact that I was a late bloomer. Even though I didn't like them, hearing about how someone murdered them makes me feel a hint of sorrow.

I turn off my lights and fall asleep, hoping to have a peaceful slumber without nightmares. Tomorrow will be an interesting day at school. We'll probably have some sort of ceremony for the boys who lost their lives.

Yaku's POV
Did I do good, y/n? Ridding of those parasites who made fun of you? How could they bully such a perfect girl like you. They didn't deserve to live if they can't see your beauty like I do. I look over at my nightstand where my pocket knife and mallet are resting. A pool of blood has started to form under the knife, staining my grey nightstand. If mom asks, I'll just say I had a nosebleed. It's around 11:30, so I might as well get to sleep. It'll be loud at school tomorrow with all the gossip.

Next day
"Did you hear about Fujita Suzuki?" Someone in the hallway asks. I walk past, gripping tightly onto my backpack straps. All I want to do is just get to class, not hear about the gruesome details of the boys. As I walk past the gym doors, I see a familiar face at the water fountain. "Yaku!" I wave. My ginger-haired friend looks up from the stream of water, smiling. "Hey f/n! Heading to class?" Yaku asks me. "Yeah, just trying to make my way there peacefully but I keep getting sidetracked by all these rumors." I say. "Oh, about those kids in our grade?" Yaku asks. "Yeah.." I nod.  "Don't worry about it. You weren't close to them anyway, right? So what does it matter." Yaku says before turning towards the gym. What does it matter? What is he saying? We're talking about murdered students here.

I just simply nod, confused by my friend's statement. Yaku isn't the type of person who would say something like that. Maybe he's just looking out for me; not wanting me to worry myself into a tizzy or something. Yaku's pretty protective. It's probably that. "Hey, are you going to come to practice after school?" Yaku asks. "Um, sure. I actually wanted some help with my homework from you." I say. Yaku gives me a thumbs up before heading back into the gym. Yaku is one of my only close friends. We pretty much have study dates all the time. He's a good tutor.

I head to my first class, trying my best to squeeze through the crowded hallways. Yaku watches attentively as you travel out of his sight the further you get down the hallway. He goes back into the gym for morning practice. "Watching your girlfriend??" Kuroo taunts. "It's not official. Not yet at least. I'll tell her how I feel later."

Later on that afternoon at lunch, you go and sit with the volleyball team. Yaku always invites you over, and all the boys seem to like you fine. "Hey y/n!" Yaku yells. "Hi!" You sit down next to him and Kenma. "Hi..." Kenma says, not looking up from his PSP. "Hey Kenma. What game are you playing?" You ask, looking over at his screen. "Uh.. just Pokemon Sword. I'm trying to catch Eternatus. He looks like a pretty cool legendary." Kenma presses the A button, throwing a Pokeball. "Looks like you got him. Nice!" You say. A small, barely noticeable smile appears on his face. "Thanks.." he says. Even though Kenma hides his emotions well, Yaku sees the small grin on his face from your praise.

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