All Mine~ Part 3

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"What was the principals office like, Eita?" Shirabu asked. "Oh... it wasn't good. Y/n's mom was in there and she said that y/n didn't come home Friday." Semi frowned. "So where is she?" Ushijima asked. "We don't know. She's... missing." Semi had a sad tone in his voice, worried about where you were. Tendou was a few feet away, stretching with Goshiki. He listened in as Semi talked about you, bringing up the details of the meeting. So the police are looking for her.. that's not good. Tendou narrows his eyes, focusing on the ceiling to clear his mind.

"Apparently they have a photo taken from y/n's neighborhood. It shows her being grabbed by someone." Semi sighs, his face turning red. The tears are welling up in his eyes, ready to waterfall down his cheeks. "I know this must be hard for you, Eita. Please, sit down for a minute to relax." Ushijima puts his hand on the setter's shoulder, guiding him over to the bench. "What is going on? Why is Eita crying? This is volleyball practice, not therapy." The Coach sneers. "He's upset because someone close to him is missing." Shirabu steps forward, glaring at their coach. "Hmm. Well, in that case, he can sit out for a few minutes. The rest of you get moving." He says.

Practice goes by extremely slow for Semi and Tendou. Semi can't get you out of his mind, same thing with Tendou. Maybe kidnapping her was a stupid idea.. how am I supposed to take care of a human being? This is a lot more effort than I thought it would be. And it was true. Everyday after school, Tendou would arrive home and make sure his parents weren't home yet. Then he'd prepare food for you, take you to the bathroom (he'd stand outside the bathroom to make sure you couldn't run out of the house), comfort you for a while, like giving you kisses on the forehead or just holding you, and then get you ready for bedtime.

Not only did he have to care for you, but he also had to keep you hidden and make sure nobody was suspicious of him. His parents never went downstairs to the basement since it was literally a junk room, full of antiques and baby stuff from when Tendou was little.

Goshiki broke Tendou's midday thoughts. "Tendou-San!" Goshiki yelled. "Hmm?" Tendou sat up, looking at the first year. "We're about to start a game." He says. Tendou nods, standing up. Everyone is in formation on the court except Semi, who's taking a moment to recollect himself on the bench. Tendou smirks, looking over at the upset boy. If only he knew where his precious y/n was..

Practice eventually ended, and everyone had left except for the third years, who had something to talk to the coach about. Tendou and Semi stood in the doorway waiting for Ushijima and Reon to finish their discussion. "Semi Semi.. you look so upset today. Maybe you should take a nice warm shower when you get home to relax." Tendou suggested. "Maybe.. but I highly doubt a shower would do me any good. Nothing I do will bring y/n back. Who knows where she is. Not to mention the fact that someone took her." Semi said.

"Oh? Someone kidnapped her?" Tendou raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, it's all over the news. The police are looking for the guy." Semi says. "Hopefully he'll get caught." Reon and Ushijima walk over to the other two, saying they're ready to leave. "Let's go then!" Tendou chirps. "You're happy to get home, Satori." Reon says. "Just tired." He lies.

"I was thinking earlier today. Maybe we could all hang out this weekend, I think that Semi could use some company." Ushijima said. "That's a great idea!" Reon agreed. "I don't know.. my parents are home this weekend. I can't have anyone over." Semi says. "Why don't we hang out at one of our houses?" Ushijima says. "Tendou? Didn't you say your parents were on a business trip this weekend?" Reon asked. "Hmm? Yeah, they are..." Tendou says. I think I know where this is going, damn it. "Then would you mind if we all hung out at your place?" Ushijima asked. Oh shit. I shouldn't say no, because I have no reason to back me up. Fuck.. "Not at all! You guys are welcome to come over!" Tendou gives a fake smile.

Macabre [Haikyuu Yandere x Reader]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora