Tonight Is The Night

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Yelena and I get dressed in our black suits and throw coats over them for a party that Kate and Clint will be at tonight. I'm wearing a red coat and Yelena is wearing a green coat. Yelena put her hair in a fancy braid and she put mine in my usual French Braids. We're on comms with each other in case we get separated.

Yelena and I arrive at the venue and a man says "Wanna check your coats?" "No thank you," says Yelena. "Ok, then," says the man as Yelena and I walk past him. A little while later, some shots are fired. Everyone is freaking out. Yelena and I are watching the chaos from behind a pillar. Yelena and I make our way to an elevator as the lights go out.

"So, I know you're chummy with my mom, but I gotta say, I didn't think you'd make the cut for the Christmas party," says Kate. "Kate Bishop. We're not here to ruin anything. We're just going to kill Barton, have some appetizers, and then we'll go," says Yelena. "I hope you enjoy the bruschetta, 'cause it looks like you already lost him," says Kate.

"You sure about that?" I say sarcastically. "He's in the elevator," says Yelena. "Yeah, what, out of 65 floors, you think you're just going to magically guess which one he's on?" says Kate.

The elevator dings and displays a floor number. Yelena says "Twelfth floor." "I could guess and get it right if I wanted to anyways," I say. "Damn it," says Kate.

I snicker. "Enjoy the party," says Yelena and I as we step into the elevator. Kate tries to join us. I'm already in the elevator when Yelena says "No, no, Kate, stay." Yelena presses close on the elevator and Kate slips in just in time.

"Ah," says Yelena annoyed. When she thinks we aren't looking, Kate tries to press a button and Yelena and I stop her. "No," says Yelena.

Kate tries again and she and Yelena fight. I step back so I don't get hit by flying limbs. Kate tries again and Yelena puts her on the floor. They stand up and Kate hits Yelena in the head.

"What was that?" says Yelena. "I don't know," says Kate. I hit Kate in the head in return saying "Don't touch her."

Kate tries to hit all of the elevator buttons and Yelena stops her. Yelena grabs Kate's coat and Kate gets out of it revealing her suit.

"Oh, my God. What is happening? Did you plan that?" says Yelena. "Yes. No, no. Yes," says Kate. Kate tries to hit the buttons again and I attempt to stop her only to be thrown into the buttons hitting some of them. "Sorry," I say. "Come on, that is so annoying," says Yelena.

Yelena speaks some Russian and I laugh as we take off our jackets, revealing our suits. We throw them at Kate as the elevator opens and I run out just before Yelena does.

We sprint down the hall with Kate behind us. We end up fighting in someone's house. We move room to room fighting. Kate blocks a doorway.

"What are we doin'? I mean it's Christmas Eve. Let's grab a drink, huh?" says Kate out of breath. "Okay. Yeah. Sure," says Yelena. "Cool," says Kate. "After we kill Barton," says Yelena. "No. No, that's not what... Come on. You don't need to..." says Kate.

I slip under Kate and keep running and Yelena fights Kate. I'm a room or so ahead of Yelena and Kate. They stop in a room and Yelena throws her baton to break the window and Kate throws something which hits Yelena's hand.

"Ow," says Yelena as she shakes her hand. "That really hurts!" says Yelena. "Yeah. Yeah, well, so did the kick to the ribs," says Kate. "Hey! You're one to talk. You threw me into a wall! I might be a trained thirteen year old assassin, but come on!" I say.

"Oh, yeah. That was a good one. That was good form. But, you did the really cool body throw," says Yelena. "That really cool body throw hurt!" I complain. "You're so dramatic," says Yelena.

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