Chapter 11

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Chapter 11
Mommy, Daddy Kissed Suzy-unnie
.•°°•☆ ☆•°°•.

"I feel bad to witness Minhan cry because of what she saw between Jung--- I mean, Hoobin and Na-In," Taehyung spoke beside me. The usual me, Taehyung, and Suzy-sunbae on our table in the staff room.

"Me too. Jungkook, I'm sorry. I just did what Mr. Lee asked us to do. I didn't knew it'd make you uncomfortable and make Minhan cry," Suzy-sunbae inserted with an apologetic look on her face. I shook my head.

"I shouldn't have let my anger get the best of me, then I wouldn't be in this situation," I replied with a resting bitch face, grabbing ahold of my disposable cup with coffee in it and gulped them down in one go like it's a Soju shot.

I know it's bad to talk about adult matters infront of children, but it's not like Minhan will remember all of what we're saying. She's just sitting on my lap, her body facing me, her chewing on her gummy worm as she looked up at me with her large, doe, innocent baby eyes. She's been chewing on her gummy worm in between her fingers that her drool was all over her fingers.

I just wanna squish her and put her inside my pocket as I walk around the park!! She's so adorable!!

"You want something, princess?" I asked as I look down at her. She blink her eyes twice before turning her head on the disposable cup on the table.

"What did you drink, Daddy?"

Uhmm... "Coffee. Why?" I asked.

"Can I drink coffee?" I shook my head at her question. Definitely a big fat no. "Why?"

"You wanna be a tall princess when you grow up, right?" she nodded her head with a glint of excitement on her face. "If you drink coffee, you will no longer grow, and you'll stay this short forever."

She gasped, "Really?!"

"Yes, princess. You can only drink coffee when you're.....20 years old," she nodded obediently and hugged my chest, then continued to chew on her candy. "You want to drink milk instead?"

She nodded her head, and before I could stand up to make her her milk, she raised her packet of gummies at me. "Gummies?"

"It's okay, princess. It's yours," I smiled. She replied a happy 'okay' before I stood up with her in my embrace, walked towards the counter where a sweetened cocoa powder is instead. "You wanna drink cocoa?"


"Jungkook, you never fail to surprise us with your fatherly gestures," Taehyung spoke up as soon I got back from making Minhan her cocoa.

"Fatherly gestures makes me sound like a pretend father. This is reality, and it has been my responsibility since age 20."

"Yeah, yeah. No need to rub at our faces that you're a good father, taking care of his daughter while at work, while we're still single," Suzy-sunbae replied, rolling her eyes playfully at me.

"Then you go and get married."


"We're home!!" I yelled across the house. I feel really tired after everything today. Still having Minhan around my hips as she got tired from walking - from the building to the car.

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