Ch 5 - Beginning of the trial

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A week has passed. Me and Sirin were at a lake with me trying to catch a fish and failing miserably.

"Why wont it bite? Damit!" I shouted in frustration while Sirin giggled.

"Try once more. Maybe this time you will catch one." She says as she flashes a smile.

"God, that smile" I thought "If someone dares take that smile away I will murder them" My thoughts getting more and more murderous until I realized what I was thinking "Stop it Ciel, this is not the time!"

[The user has obtained the extra skill [Fishing]]

After I saw the pop up I felt like something was pulling the fishing rod. Lo and behold it was a fish and not an ordinary one at that, it was too big to be any type of fish I have eaten in my previous life so that surprised me and even Sirin looked shocked for some reason even though she seemed to know this world a lot.

And her shock was, of course, different from mine as when the fish landed it attacked me.{A/n: a wild Magikarp has appeared.} I manifested Cinnabar Spindle and cut its head, ending the fight easily.

After the little fishing incident and the night that followed it, we were walking in the middle of the plains after coming out of the that damned forest.

 I was happy that we were able to leave the forest with its dangerous creatures. Oh how wrong I was.

In front of us stood an army of 30000 soldiers. They were fighting and loosing to a bigger army. The bigger army was slowly killing them off.

"A battle?" I thought "No, a civil war from the armor of the soldiers." 

"We will not bow to the whims of that king of yours!" I soldier that looked like the general of the smaller army shouted.

We walked up to him and asked what happened.

"Huh? I suspect that you're not from around here so I'll tell you" He says as he clears his throat.

"My name is Albert and I'm the general of this army." He says as he looks at us.

"Hello general Albert, I'm Ciel and my partner here is Sirin." I say bowing to show respect.

"Good to know that there are some kids around that are still polite to their elders" He says.

"Technically I'm older than him because of the time I spent in the void, but I'll let it slide." I thought with a sweat drop and said "Yes there are still people like that general." Then I followed with "If you would like we could help with achieving victory. If you would have us of course."

"Of course we would. After all it's better to owe someone than to live under that empire." He says and I could feel the hatred of this empire in his voice.

"System, use Akashic Records to create a skill that grants me strategic knowledge" I give the system a mental command and the next moment a pop up appeared.

[The user has gained the extra skill [Strategist] ]

[Permission to upgrade the extra skill [Strategist] into the unique skill[Grand Strategist]]

[Yes] [No]

"Yes" I thought as the window disappeared and in front of me appeared a window 

[The user has gained the unique skill[Grand Strategist]]

Grand Strategist: 

-Thought Acceleration: Raises thought-processing speed by a thousand times.

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