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Agatha scowled as she waited in the hospital room of the child she was supposed to meet. At first, She had no idea why she was even here, Nurse Joy had refused to share the information she had over the phone only that it was case sensitive and that it was best for someone of the elite Four to come and handle personally, nor did she know why they sent her of all people here to handle such a thing.

(She had a feeling it was because the others refused to come over such a bizarre request so that only left her, what joy.)

It was only when Nurse Joy had sat with her over two hours ago and explained the boy's situation and his demands that she finally understood why she refused to share anything over the phone.The shadows of the room rose slightly, rippling in the corners of the room, restless, as they felt their owners agitation. She breathed, forcing her emotions back into their little box and not oozing out of her anymore. The shadows settled a little, still a little restless but not as agitated as before. She shook herself out of her thoughts when the door opened and Nurse Joy stepped in, looking haggard with dark eye bags under her eyes. Clearly the seriousness of this case had taken a toll on her.

Agatha opened her mouth frowning in concern before her mouth snapped shut when a young boy stepped into the room carrying a Zorua, if you could believe it, and an Axew following right at his heels. Agatha nearly gasped as she looked at the waves upon waves of dark energy radiating from the child. Rolling shadows made up the boys aura in the form of an inky black along with various other colors, indicating his constantly shifting emotions. What was interesting to note though was that the darkness wasn't trying to overtake the boy at all, no on the contrary in fact it seemed to be trying to merge with the boy, like a beautiful swirling milky way. Normally with anyone who has this much concentrated darkness in their aura, caused by intense negative emotions and trauma, it would take over the individual's aura completely, causing that person's aura to become like a blackhole where all the person can feel is hate and anger. As you can probably guess this kind of phenomena can affect a person's psyche very seriously if a person isn't helped quickly, if it isn't stopped before a certain point then that person is doomed. She frowned again as she looked closer at his aura, it looked like the dark and pure energies were...restricted somehow, like something was stopping the energy from growing.

While this may sound like a good thing it's most definitely not. There was a reason this kind of situation was handled with such care.

Despite the severe condition this event actually isn't all that common. While every human has some darkness in their auras it's not enough for it to be harmful. This is very different from Ghost type masters who are in harmony with the darkness in their aura and even use it to their advantage. They are among the exceptions to this, being so close to beings close to the void. Agatha herself was one such exception. However, it's not recommended for any trainer to take on Ghost Type pokemon without a master by their side training them. Young trainers are often killed by their own pokemon otherwise.

By now the child had pulled a chair out and sat down, putting the Zorua in his lap over his crossed legs while his Axew came to Stand in front of him protectively, actively glaring at her and the shadows at the corner of the room. She was once again shocked, she had never met such a pokemon with such sensitivity to negative energies that were not Psychic, dark, or ghost pokemon. Even the Zorua, while looking alert, didn't seem to be able to pinpoint the exact location of the pokemon hiding in the shadows.

She focused on the boy again and actually took him in this time. He was pretty tall, if you could believe it despite the abuse he had gotten. He had wild, black, messy hair that fell across his shoulders nicely, tanned skin with zigzag birthmarks on his cheeks and a red shirt and black cargo pants and shoes. The most interesting feature about him however were his piercing amber eyes that seemed to have seen everything. Those eyes had no business on a child. His face had no notable reaction as he gazed at her, looking her over and taking in her appearance.

Grow your wingsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon