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3 months ago

??? POV

Red eyes narrowed as they observed the demolished island before them. The island was small in size, barely able to be called an island if the being was being honest, with scattered building scraps all around and the bodies of humans thrown carelessly about. The smell of death filled the air and made the great beast wrinkle its nose in disgust.

It had come because it had sensed a grave disturbance, waking it from its slumber. At first, it had thought something was wrong with its flock in the distant lands, but after letting its energy spread carefully it discovered that its flock was perfectly fine. Now confused, it followed where the wayward fluctuations of energy were.

And this is what it had found.

It great wings carried it the short distance to land on the ruined landscape. It lumbered forward, folding its swings to its body as it softly walked around the wreckage. It stopped at a building that was half collapsed in on itself, glass littering the ground everywhere and blood everywhere.

It was also the source of the energy source.

The creature flapped its wings to fly into the sky again, finding an opening in the roof and gliding in. It landed and looked around, looking over the bodies of the humans in white coats to look closely at broken computers and scattered papers. It raised its nose in the air and sniffed, tasting the scent on its tongue and snarled. Pale lips curled back on pearly white fangs as it turned to investigate the rest of the room.

It smelled traces of its sister here.

As the beast turned its gaze settled upon various pods and one broken one. Coming closer it tilted its head to get a good look. It's gaze hardened when it smelled the scent of hatchlings, baby Pokémon.

It instantly knew what had happened here.

It raised its head and roared.

While many do not know it, it had been one of the sole creators of the world, the one who shaped the earth, the one who gave it life, He who helped shape the first Pokémon on earth. Oh, the humans of course knew of Arceus' involvement and never took into account the other side, forgotten to history. Many have misinterpreted its birth and conception, mistaking it for a child of Arceus.

Such is the nature of twisted histories.

Only one clan in particular knew the true origins of the world, the truth it told them so long ago.

This child was one of his now, not born of Arceus.

So it would be his responsibility to take care of him.


Ash rose bright and early, before any other trainer and set off, logging on his departure time before he went. He planned on getting to at least the orange zone by the time his three weeks were up, which should put him miles ahead of any trainer and most of the gym leaders in the beginning stages of his journey. He found a secluded clearing and took out his Pokémon. Hades and Zorua materialized and immediately started doing their drills.

Ash had set up the habit of his Pokémon manipulating their respective type energy. Zorua would take in the dark and Psychic type energy in the air while Hades absorbed Dragon type energy. The idea was the more Designated type energy they had in their bodies and the more proficient they were at controlling it, the more powerful their moves would be while also opening up new ways they could use their energy.

After a good 30 minutes of the energy manipulation session they did laps and worked on their techniques, increasing the density of each move and for how long they could hold it. Hades had pretty much mastered Iron Tail, and had upgraded Scratch for Dragon claw, which he almost had a handle on. He was also working on Crunch but it was pretty slow going since it was a move with Dark Type energy which Hades wasn't familiar with. Ash thought it would be good if he asked Zorua to work with him on it later.

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