Good God Child (Dedicated to @KainGodchilds)

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Got to admit, Kain came good when we needed him

Once upon a time, he seemed to live in a dream

Only ever had one thing on his mind

Dawn to dusk, he was busy watching Anime

Got to admit, it was a stretch allowing him to watch Battosai at the tender age of seven

Only someone like Kenshin Himura could pull that off

Don't let the sight of all that blood fool you, she carries a deeper meaning in her soul

Choose your words wisely, she might say

Here is the reason, the strong exist

It is not their purpose to feed off the weak

Look closely, and you will see it is not their purpose to cull but to protect them

Don't be blind to this gift, for the flow of blood is not the answer

Footnote: This poem is dedicated to Kain (@KainGodchilds), who supported the Poet of the Challenge, and embraced acrostic poetry, without any serious loss of blood, what a fascinating blog you have.

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