23 - consummation

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December 29 1988


I got your letter today, that you have loved me for a thousand years, but as you know I have been fooled by so many in the past of what that means. I hope your love for me means the same as the complete adoration I have for you because I've made up my mind to kiss you tonight.

It's your 22nd birthday and I am standing outside of your doorstep with the dying white roses clutched in my right hand. I hope you still like them.

I hear music blasting from the door as I unlocked it, walking into you dancing like a maniac on your kitchen table in nothing but an oversized sweater and socks. The speakers were so loud you didn't even notice me come in as you twisted your hips with your imaginary microphone as you sang along.

You turned and screamed at the sight of me, before jumping off the table and running to squeeze me tight. "Are these for me?"

"Yeah," I grinned as you took them and gave me another hug. "Happy birthday, Frecks."

"They're beautiful." You put them in the empty vase sitting on the table and got a cup of water from the kitchen to pour some in to save them a little. They were ugly and dropping but you find beauty in anything I think.

My eyes panned around your new home. "Where's Vanessa?"

Your eyes flashed at me with pain in them and you gave me a sad smile. I already got the message. Vanessa wasn't here.

"Go ahead, keep singing," I tried to change the subject. You grabbed my hand and danced with me to the love song, singing the words I wish you really meant to me... but I knew you didn't. At least not yet.

My forehead is pressed to yours and I can't read the expression in your eyes. The tip of your nose grazes on mine and you bring your mouth in but something stops you before you can. Maybe you were frightened? Not sure how I would react to that? You always overthink things.

My lips pressed into yours tenderly trying to get the feel of them for the first time. They were new and warm and reminded me of the softest pillows. You pulled away first with amusement written all over your face. "Did we just do that?"

I nodded, pressing my teeth on my bottom lip. "Yeah... was it a mistake?"

"I don't know but kiss me again."

I gave you a longer one this time, more confident than before and our lips were electric against each other and I knew then and there who I belonged to, and dreamed of the day you'd say you belonged to me too...

- Your love & friend forever, Michael


Palace of Versailles - Versailles, France

Friends, families, and celebrities were seated in the botanical garden with the grand view of Versailles. Austin leaned in to the right of Alisha's ear as everyone waited for the bride to arrive with anticipation. "Who do you think is going to cry first?"

She rotated her ankle around in her seat, the warm light breeze flew through her auburn bangs, the tissues clutched and ready for her best friend to come down the aisle. "Hm... Michael."

"Yep. Definitely Michael."

Aiden was dressed in a baby suit with a red band around the arm, bouncing in his grandfaher's lap with his hand in his mouth, gnawing his new two bottom teeth in his fist.

Behind the doors of the palace that opened to the garden, Giovanna's eyes were rimmed with panic as her arm was interlinked around her brother's. The 10 foot train of her Versace dress followed behind her, her long, 24 inch Peruvian "it's mine because I brought it" mane draped down to her tailbone, the roses clutched tight in her unsteady fingers.

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