Not An Update But I Am Talking Shit.

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Note: I'm UPDATING this story ok ok but I have to say something. I deleted my MJ instagram because the MJ fandom is full of racist bigots who stan for a black man (I repeat, a black man, black excellence at that) and it's ironic. If you're vexed by me talking about racism, cultural appropriation/assimilation, misogyny, specifically misogynoir, then I must be talking about you. It is what it is. "So you blame white people? Do you hate white people?" (I couldn't give two shits to bring myself to hate someone, that's too much energy, but I do I blame and hate the construct of white supremacy. I hate police brutality. I hate the corruption in politics and trillion dollar corporations who don't pay their taxes. I hate homophobia (an issue I've experienced since writing Giovanna's narrative actually. Passive aggressive messages such as "But is her gayness good for the baby?!" Lmao.) I hate Islamophobia. I hate the white-washed media like FOX news. I hate the stigma of rape victims. I hate mayonnaise. I don't hate white people.) "What about black on black crime!" (A conservative propaganda pushed out by right wingers to eliminate the fact that all races kill eachother, not taking in the fact of racial profiling, and of course ignoring the economical gap between the POC and whites.) "Am I supposed to feel guilty that my ancestors colonized and enslaved and raped and terrorized and performed biowarfare and exploited and segregated and lynched and everything else to do with the word: savagery?" (No Kathy, but recognize you have the golden ticket of white privilege from your ancestors. You are still bathing in the benefits of supremacy from your ancestors. It's not a guilt trick, it's reality. Use your privilege for the greater good.... and where in the hell are our reparations?) And my favorite one "Why are you talking about this as if you're even black?" 1) My mom is biracial but I identify as black. Black women come in all shades and features, that's what makes us special. ^SEE ME up above. 2) That's typical Americanized thinking. "It's not my problem, so it's not my problem." Except ignoring the problem makes you a part of the problem. Be an ally and a friend and just a fucking human being.

Yes, the fandom has no problem talking about tabloids and trees and the birds and the fucking bees #healtheworld #saveneverland #savethechildren yet are SILENT when there's black children being murdered by the police without consequence. (See Aiyana Jones, a 7 year old beautiful black little girl shot dead in her sleep. The policeman was not convicted.) Are tabloids more important than the core and essence of what your fave stood for?!

Black panther dance in Black or White represented The Black Panther Party, confirmed by the directors.

Black Egyptians in RTT, to portray the truth about ancient Egypt that wasn't shown in the white-washed media.

The plethora of black men he sent through college and the millions put into black charities.

Do you even hear the words and anger behind them in They Don't Care About us or do you think it's a fucking children's nursery rhyme? Have you even glimpsed at his book collection? He was a raging machine of black power but no, you remember him as the Peter Pan who played with kids in his spare time and his greatest quote was: Burn All Tabloids. Please. How about you watch his speech in Brooklyn (in 2006? I believe) and listen to him repeating all I'm trying to say.

Telling me I'm the reason racism exists towards me (obviously ignorant to how power dynamics work in an institutionalized system, hence the suffix -ISM in racISM) is not going to bring back the lives of the nine victims (angels) from the Charleston shooting where they were murdered from the bullet of a white savage TERRORIST. Stay out of my messages. Catch a sunburn. Or tongue my waxed asshole. I don't care. Thanks. 💁🏽💁🏾💁🏿

#BlackLivesMatter #MuslimLivesMatter #ProtectOurTransGirls #KissMyBlackAss and to everyone else (black and white) who defended me against those trolls, I love you!!


I'm about to update AJ Vice. 🔫🔫🔫🔫💉

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