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Marinette P.O.V

After everyone died in that accident I kept having dreams about it, which sounds even more weird since I wasn't there to see it, but it still was weird. Suddenly I heard an annoying beeping sound that was louder than my phone ringtone. I rapidly opened my eyes and looked at the nearest window from me to see it was dark. I looked back at the clock to see it was 9pm. I started there shocked. I had been asleep the whole day?I sighed to myself about what I should do in my free time. Maybe I should explore the city and see what's going on in this city

I quickly got up from bed getting my stuff together and got dressed, then walked out of the penthouse I was currently living in. I walked outside to see an empty sidewalk with nobody around and also it was snowing. Even better, as I began to walk forward and explore around, I quite found a lot of it interesting. I stopped at a cafe to hear something meowing in the nearest alley. I played it off, and walked closer to the source of the meowing. I looked down to see a black cat with black eyes staring at me curiously

"Poor cat what are you doing outside at this weather"I said as I walked over to the cat slowly as i reached my hand out for the cat.

The cat started to slowly walk to my hand, sniffing it, and started to rub his head on my hand. I smiled at the cat as I picked him up, pulling him closer to warm him up. I sat him down and took my coat off and bundled him in my coat.

"Now do you have an owner?"I said as I tried to look for a tag on his neck, after a second I managed to read his name tag to see his name was Alfred.

"Well Alfred seems like you got a owner"


Okay sorry this chapter is short this story is almost done like literally probably one more chapter and the story is done thus is kinda like a one shot but in chapters i will be updating the next chapter probably in 4 hours

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