Matt and his Glue

17 1 0

All of EddsWorld have gone to the same artistic school! Cuz why not?
And Matt one day forgot his lunch. Me and Tom were on opisite sides of him. Matt took out of his bag a 1l bottle of glue.
"Matt. Its lunch. Why are u taking out glue?" Aked Tom. I looked at Matt while eating my sandwich. He just srugged and opended the bottle.
And as fast as he can he start drinking the glue like his life depended on it. Tom and Edd stared to try to take the glue from him with no luck.
And u was laughing my ass of on the floor but after i tried to help take the bottle from Matt.
After tgia incedent everyone starter bringin more food with them to school so Matt dosent drink glue.

Wrote by: 🧨Tord

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2022 ⏰

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