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Meanwhile in Nerola.

Behind the castle lies a simple, yet beautiful large garden. Here, different kinds of flowers can be found, mostly roses which are Queen Ashe's favorite. Different kinds of butterflies and bees can also be seen flying in each flower to collect pollen.

In the middle of it is a pond filled not only with water lilies but also a few exotic fishes swimming freely in it. A few benches can be found on each side of the pond so that the family can sit, relax from their daily problems, and enjoy the view of the garden.

The garden was requested by the queen herself, for aside from her duties as queen of Nerola and her studies, she has nothing to do for a whole day, adding that her love will mostly be busy taking care of the kingdom. Also, she found the castle lack of landscape design.

Every time she has vacant time for herself, she would always visit her garden and take care of it, adding some flowers and getting rid of some pests that could hurt her flowers. She also catch & bought some exotic fish to give the garden even more life.

Sometimes she would be accompanied by her love and her children here to spend time with each other and also help her in designing and taking care of it.

On one of the few benches, lies a young man, almost in his twenties, handsome, yet has some of his mother's side which makes him gorgeous at the same time. He is sitting, resting one leg horizontally over the knee of the other leg, peacefully reading a book. Usually, he would read any kind of book he could find in the library.

But today, he was reading a book titled "The Omegaverse". At first, he was intrigued by the title because he had never known about it. It was recently made.

But when he started reading the book, he was fascinated by it. Especially when he discovers that in the Omegaverse, men can also get pregnant. He is always mesmerized by reading things that seem to be impossible to exist in real life.

He was going to the part regarding the A/B/O types when a guard arrive, "Forgive me for my rude manners, your highness, but the king requests your presence. Immediately.", the guard said while saying it in a low tone.

The man slightly raises his head, then looks to the guard who lays his head low slightly. "Can I ask why?".

"Apologies, but even I do not know the reason for it. The king only says that it is urgent & your presence is needed.", the guard said.

With a nod, the guard quickly leaves the place, leaving the man who then lays his back on the bench, staring above the sky. "What could it be?".

After a few seconds of thinking, he decides to go to the king and ask him personally. But deep inside, he thinks that it is about the ongoing feud between the two kingdoms.


Upon his arrival, his eyes widen at the sight of not the king himself, but also the queen and one other man who is familiar to him. He then greets them all with a bow. He then notices that there's no guard in sight, "What seems to be the problem?", he asks.

The two men are now looking at the king, who is now slightly sweating and is having a second thoughts about what he is about to say. Seeing his uneasiness, the queen holds his hand and gives him a sad, yet warm smile.

On the other hand, witnessing the gestures of the couple, the three men are now becoming anxious about what is going on. "Father, what's wrong?", the man, who is the eldest among the two in the room, asks.

During Garen and Ashe's time together ruling the kingdom and giving each other their pure love, they were blessed with tiny versions of themselves.

Typeo, or he also likes to call him Type, and being in his early twenties, is the eldest among the two. He is also the most intelligent and responsible son. Since he's the eldest, he tends to help his parents in running the kingdom, and thanks to his smart thinking, he mostly deals with the kingdom's economic status. This is also favorable to him since soon, he'll be expected to be the next king.

And, Valentine, or Tine for short, is the youngest among the brothers. Being the youngest family member, he would always get spoiled by his family, especially by his older brother. But instead of becoming a spoiled brat, he learns to appreciate his family's affection for him and not let it get to his head.

He's affectionate to everyone, including his family and compassionate about his role as a prince. Also, a fair-minded person when it comes to difficult situations in the kingdom.

Despite being the prince, he would always tell his guards and servants to drop the formality and he would appreciate it if they treat him as a normal person when they are alone. This makes them love and cares for the prince even more.

Being the youngest prince, rather than being a brat, he is humble and always affectionate and mature towards other people. This makes the Nerolians adore the prince so much. But as much as they would like to treat him as a normal person, they were afraid to make Prince Gulf upset.

You see, Type is a protective person towards Tine. He would get mad if he founds out that there was someone who treats him horribly. Even though they have a 4 years age gap, they are so close to each other.

Aside from that, he is a caring person to him. As the eldest, his responsible for looking after his brother. He would always be there for Tine, mostly when he has something on his mind. Also, he provides books to him, since reading books is their favorite thing to do, which makes the two of them close too.

Looking at his sons, he let out some of the tension inside of him, "I had a meeting with King Darius."

The two are stunned by what their father said. "What!!?? When?!" Type ask.

"Wait, is that the reason behind your sudden departure a few days ago?", said Tine before Garen would reply, slightly raising his tone, but not too high for he didn't want to disrespect his father.

He only lowers his head, then gives a nod.

"What the...Dad! Why didn't you tell us about this?!", Type asks.

"Mom, did you know about this?", Type asks his mother.

The queen only lowers her head and stays silent, making them get their answer.

"What were you thinking dad??!! What if something happened to you?? What if you were ambushed by him??! Did you even think about the fucking consequences of your action DAD??!!"

"Type, language pls." His mother asks Type who is slowly cooling his head.

Tine, despite being upset by his father's action, chooses to remain silent and tries to understand him.

"Type, Tine, please know that what I did is for the sake, not only of us but also for the kingdom." Said Garen who look straight into his son's eyes.

"If that is what you want, then care to enlighten us with your purpose in your encounter with King Darius."  Tine finally spoke, remain calm, and shows respect.

This makes his brother silent, and now waiting for their father's response.

He deeply sighs before telling them what happened during his encounter with his old acquaintance.


Hi guys Hahahaha
I never thought making a story will be this hard, buts also fun.
Hope you enjoy!!!

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