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5 yrs ago

It was a typical day, the sun shines the land revealing the trees that danced with the wind, birds flying in a cloudless sky, & no elements that can disturb this pleasant day. Yes, it is a good day, especially traveling.

Along the road, there's a group of men traveling in their horses, among them are the two fine young boys. Tine, wearing a big smile on his face, can't hide his excitement about his journey. On the other hand, Type is somewhat annoyed about this journey. With them are their mentor & 8 guards. Specifically, their mentor takes the lead on the road, behind him are the two young princes and two guards, and the rest are followed behind.

While on their journey, Type was starting to get bored and then looks at his brother who still wearing his big smile and eyes showing his evident excitement, "You know, for someone who's never been there you are eager to go there."

Tine Turns to his older brother, "Well what do you expect? It's my first time going there & what I've heard from other people, including, about the place, how can I not?"

"I expect you to somewhat, you know, slightly scared, or yet nervous about it. Also, I remember mentioning wild animals that could be lurking out there." Type said, raising an eyebrow at Tine.

"So what? That doesn't scare me a bit. I can handle myself very much. So I'm still going there and nothing can stop me. That's that." Tine said while looking back at the road, unweaving at what Type said

Type just shakes his head while turning back to the road. He then said, "Idiot"

"Hey!!!" Tine reacts to him.

"What? It is true. You're very optimistic like we are going site seeing, where we're going there to train." well what Type said is true. That's why they are bringing their weapons & equipment around their horses, even Tine and Type are wearing baldrics to carry their swords.

"Congratulations, you've just ruined my mood," Tine said disappointed.

"What? I'm just stating facts." Type response, showing his victorious smirk.

Tine rolled his eyes, then turns to the opposite side quietly pouting. After a few seconds, he whispers "oldie"

Unfortunately, Type heard it, and like his younger brother he reacted, "Did you just call me an oldie??!!"

"What? I'm just stating facts." Tine restates what Type said to him mocking smirk.

"Immature kid"

"Overmatured oldie"

This keeps going that even their guards are now awkwardly watching them throwing insults to each other, contemplating whether to be entertained or to say something to them, until...."Boys! Instead of fighting, you should save your energy for your training."

"Sorry Uncle" both of them apologize to their mentor, but still holding their glare at each other. Their mentor sees the site and just turns back to the road and shakes his head with a small smile.

Jayce is one of the best generals of Nerola. In his thirty's, he's not only Tine & Type's mentor but also one of Garen's close friends. During the time Garen joined the military, he was the one who helped him in their training, had his back during battles, and even train each other to be the best, until they made a strong friendship. That is why Garen entrusts his to him in their training.

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