Chapter 2

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Third person pov

As the car came to a stop, Hannibal parked it in the garage so that it would be unseen, after which he carefully lifted up Will and carried him inside.

Going upstairs was difficult because Hannibal had forgotten about his gunshot wound. He took Will to the guest bedroom and pulled out his medical kit, cleaning the wounds and then numbing the areas so he could stitch them.

Will was strangely still passed out and didn't react. Hannibal got Will new clothes after bandaging the wounds since he didn't want him to stay in his blood-soaked ones.

He had a bowl of warm water and a towel with which he carefully wiped the blood away.

Will appeared to be sleeping peacefully in Hannibal's oversize garments, his soft lips parted, while his breathing and heartbeat were steady.

After the day they had, Hannibal wished he could sleep like him.

Hannibal sat in a chair beside Will's bed, tending to his own wound carefully not to make a sound, that'll wake the brunette.

He debated whether to get up and shower or deal with the body in the vehicle trunk to prepare a meal for Will and himself, but he wanted to remain with Will because he wanted to be there for him when he woke.

Hannibal stayed by his side for hours, observing every feature he possessed and wishing he had his sketch book with him to draw Will.

In one sketch book, he had a full area dedicated to drawings of Will.

Hannibal became buried in his thoughts, which were all about Will, and how they'd get out of whatever mess they were in. It was uncomfortable for him to fall asleep on the chair, but he wouldn't dare to leave.


The sun had just begun to rise, casting a ray of morning color that was brighter than usual, and the clouds had begun to clear these days.

Will's eyes fluttered open, and he couldn't see clearly. The sun shined in his eye, and different shades of blue twinkled. Will questioned himself as he glanced at the ceiling.

Am I dead?

Did I die?

I fell of a cliff I'm probably dead?

I fell of a cliff with him.

With Hannibal!

Is he here?

Will blinked a couple of times as he pushed the thoughts away by sitting up and gazing around the room, noticing Hannibal on the chair and a medical kit on the bedside table. The room appeared to have been furnished by Hannibal, who had a distinct fancy style.

But it doesn't look like any of his rooms that I've seen?

Maybe we're at another safe house?

Will was about to wake Hannibal up and question him about what happened when he realized that he had been stabbed in the face. It hurt to talk, but it was sure as hell going to leave a cool scar.

He tried again, quietly calling Hannibal.

"Hanniba? Hanni-"

Hannibal cut him off and said

"You're awake,"  Hannibal said and flashed a crooked smirk lightly closing his eyes to avoid the sunlight.

"What happened I thought we were dead? Or is this the afterlife?"

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