Chapter 1 - Her Sunset Eyes

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(TW: Slight mentions of SA and a panic attack!)

Atop his throne, a golden head stood. Wearing his usual robes, his head was propped on top of his hand and his jeweled eyes looked bored and tired. Another day listening to the problems of those greedy nobels. But as much as he despised this, it was part of his duty. He was an Emperor after all.

With his knight Felix Robaine at his side, Emperor Claude de Alger Obelia waved his hand signaling that theu could finally start. The sooner he was done with this, he could finally retire and have tea with his daughter, Princess Athanasia de Alger Obelia.

"Announcing the Burigan Family!" A guard that was stationed at the door yelled as the big doors opened revealing five people. Two adults probably in their mid fifties and their three children: a man who was probably around twenty-five, a woman that looked around nineteen and the youngest girl who probably was no older than fourteen.

The Burigan Family. They had moved to the Obelia Empire right before Athanasia's fourteenth birthday. A very wealthy family of Counts. Claude remembered he met them at the party. He didn't like them. Not because they were nobels, but because they were very vain and greedy. He could tell that by the way the talked, walked and acted. They thought themselves above everyone else and that alone annoyed him beyond measure.

What problem could this family have? For the first time in quite some time, the Emperor's internet was piqued as he watched them bowing low before him.

Suddenly, the doors opened and a woman was walked inside, forcefully brought to her knees... or rather thrown. Her hands were bound behind her back and the same could be said about her feet. A prisoner? How interesting indeed. What could have this woman done that brought her into this condition. She was dirty, wearing a ragged dress and she was bruised. Very bruised. Claude could see the whip marks on her back.

But what caught his attention was her hair. Long and wavy, it resembled the sun, despite being dirty and tangled. It was the same hair.

Athanasia's hair.

Her hair.

But it couldn't be. That hair color was not a rare one. Anyone could have it. Could be born with it. It was just a coincidence. Taking his eyes off the woman, he turned to look at the Count with an arched brow that was asking him why he had brought that there.

Your Majesty!" Claude heard the Count start. "This wench had the audacity to steal from my beloved wife the heirloom jewelry and run away with them! We did what the law required of us and brought her before your Majesty. We beg you, please, offer us your fair judgment and give this insolent woman the punishment she deserves!" The man finished bowing lowly before him along with his family.

A thief huh? His eyes went back to the woman who was trembling already. He could see she was silently crying despite trying her best not to make a sound. Judging by her appearance, by how thin she was, Claude understood why she stole. Why she wanted to run away. This family probabil treated her worse than the animals. They were the type that looked down on their servents and thought themselves Gods after all. But he had no way of proving that. And the Law was clear. The Law he made after all.

And then she raised her head and her eyes met his. Pink. A deep pink that resembled the color of the Sunset. The same eyes. The same hair. The same face. Everything was the same. Only that these eyes didn't look at him with love, but with fear.


The name fell from his lips in an whisper as he straightened himself. In the corner of his eye, he could see Felix. He was shocked as well. Eyes wide, mouth agape like he had seen a ghost. And that's exactly what this was.

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