2|| Bittersweets - MS_Chavez

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Title: bittersweets

Author: MS_Chavez (M.S. Chavez)

Genres: Short Stories, Contemporary, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Horror

Blurb: This is a collection of short stories I've written since joining Wattpad for various contests, challenges, and publications. These works range from one hundred word drabbles to short stories up to ten thousand words.

There is a wide range of genres in this collection, and I feel it is a good snapshot of my range. As I mentioned in the blurb, they are all rather bittersweet, and this can mean that they are dark, gory, or depressing in tone. Many of these works are on the experimental side as I played with styles and genres.

This collection has been featured on the main Wattpad site and on the Wattpad Short Story Profile.


Triggers: Gore, implied use of drugs, smoking, drinking, self-mutilation, blood, and death.

Short Author Bio: M.S. Chavez writes a variety of fiction; fantasy, science fiction, romance, dystopian, fairy tales, dark fantasy, magic realism, contemporary fiction, and, well, you get the idea. The majority of their works at the moment are short stories, flash fiction, and drabbles, though they do have a few novels in progress. Short form, somewhat experimental works are their favorite to write, but they love reading a wide variety of genres and styles.

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