Even Crazier

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(Kay's POV)

   I ran out of our room and walked the rest of the way down to the kitchen. "Hey sis!" Jay said. He was sitting at the table with a heaping of toast, bacon, and eggs. "Hi..." I said admiring his food. "Zane made some for everyone, I think we're the only ones up so far." Jay said picking at his toast. " I saw Lloyd up!" I said and took my seat across from Jay. "When?" Jay dropped his toast. "H-he was training when I walked past the....." I lost my train of thought, "Training...Room...." "Ok then..." Jay said with a little laugh. Zane walked into the room with two plates in his hands, "Here, I have made breakfast for everyone." He handed me a plate and I took it. I laughed, "Thanks a ton Zane!" Just then Lloyd walked into the room and stared at me fron across the room. I met his gaze and we stood there for a while before Jay broke the silence, "Hey Lloyd, Zane made breakfast!" Lloyd looked away from me, "So I've heard!"


 I quickly finished my breakfast and dashed to my room. I ran into Cindy getting ready to go to breakfast. "Hey Kay." She said slipping on her running jacket. "Hey." I replied.


"Are Cole and Kai at breakfast?"

"No, Only Lloyd and Jay."

"Oh then I'll hurry and go now."

"Are you trying to avoid the love triangle?" I regretted the words as soon as they came out of my mouth.

   "Yeah." I felt even worse seeing the flushed look on her face. "I'm sorry," I walked to the other side of the room, "Have any boxes came? I'm expecting my parents to deliver my stuff." She looked hestitant to answer, "N-not that I know of."

   Cindy didn't say another word and left the room, leaving me and my awful thoughts. I start to think of everything, the moment I arrived, the tension Jay and I had between us when we met up at the junkyard and even Lloyd. No matter what I thought about my thoughts just kept difting towards him. Ugh. I slammed my face into my pillow and eventually fell asleep.

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