Our day out

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Kay's POV

   I woke at 10 a.m the next day to Lloyd sitting on my reading chair, sipping strong-smelling herbal tea.

  "Ah, Good morning." He said with a chuckle.

  "What are you doing here?" I yawned as.I spoke. My eye lids had never felt so heavy, and I was pretty sure I had been in bed before midnight.

  "Waiting for you to finally wake up."

  I rolled my eyes, "Happy now?"

  "Very." He said smiling as if I had just woken up looking my best. I'll never understand this guy.

  I drug myself to the ladder that lead to the cream carpeted floor, "Seriously, what are you here for?"

  "I came to ask you if you wanted to see a movie with me in the screening room."

  "Yawn. Why not do something fun? You can't possibly live like this. In a boring sheltered life." I was starting to sound like Amber, but maybe that was a good thing. No! I shook the thought out of my head.

  "What do you have in mind?"

  "I'll meet you by my car in 30 minutes." I shoved Lloyd out of my room, so I could get ready.

  I walked over to my closet, across from Cindy's with the bathroom door in the middle. I picked out a pair of jean shorts, with a small tear below the pocket, with hopes it wouldn't be too cold. Cindy had started to get onto me for hanging my shorts up and shoving my shirts and jackets in drawers. I knew it was weird, but I liked it. I kneeled down to the drawers below my hung up shorts and jeans. I opened a drawer which held quite a few shirts in my favorite shade of blue. I grabbed one at random, which happened to have a cotton candy decal on the front.

  After taking a five minute shower and dressing in my clothes, I slide on black sneakers without bothering to untie them. Finally, I pulled my hair into a terribly done ponytail and jogged to my car. I hadn't prepared myself for a situation where I had to talk to Jay or Amber, but luckily neither of them saw me.

  "Finally!" Lloyd said as he leaned off of my car.

  "What? I took exactly 30 minutes!"

  "I didn't even know you had a car." He said admiring it.

  "My dad and I used to work on it sometimes. Jay told me he'd dropped it off for me 2 weeks ago. Haven't even driven it.:

  "Oh, so I'm guessing you were a daddy's girl."

  "Someone had to give him attention. My brother and mom had their weird special bond. That is until Jay became embarrassed of them."

  Lloyd laughed, "I've heard the pillow kissing story at least a million times."

"You don't even know the best part of it, because I'm the only who does. He was actually dreaming about pillows when it happened."

  "Seriously? In his dreams he kisses pillows. I hope you are different."

  "Very. We may have the same looks, but that doesn't mean we're exactly the same."

  I got in the car while he still leaned against it, "Coming or not?"

   "I wish we had just watched a movie." Lloyd mumbled and got into the passenger seat.

  I drove to the parking lot of an all-items market. "Go inside and buy the items on this list."

  "Why aren't you going in?"

  "Got banned 4 years ago."

Lloyd ' s POV

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2015 ⏰

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