part twelve

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Dana woke in the early morning as the sun was barely beginning to creep it's way through their bedroom curtains. Sheets of snow fell rapidly outside, covering the world in a blanket of white. A small chill ran through her and she scooted herself back so that she was pressed against her girlfriend, the way she had been when she'd fallen asleep. Stella's warmth engulfed her as their bodies met and Dana couldn't keep a smile from painting across her lips. She laid there for a while, analyzing the rise and fall of Stella's chest as she soundly slept. The air was still and everything was perfectly tranquil. Dana carefully turned her body so that she was face to face with Stella, watching as her brow twitched sleepily. Her hand reached up and she gently ran her fingers through blonde strands, pushing them away from Stella's face so they were no longer obstructing her view.

Unable to contain herself, Dana leaned in and planted a soft kiss against Stella's lips, lingering there for just a moment before pulling away. When the blonde didn't stir she leaned in again, kissing her forehead, eyelids, cheekbones, the tip of her nose, her chin, and her lips. She feathered light kisses over every inch of her face until she slowly began to rouse.

"Good morning," Dana's raspy voice whispered softly into the room, drawing a toothy grin on Stella's face.

"G'morning love." Stella's voice was slurred, still heavy with sleep as one eye popped open. "Dana, it's Christmas."

"It sure is. Merry Christmas, my love."

Dana leaned in to connect their lips again, and through her tired haze Stella reciprocated, leaning in to press them together more firmly. A soft moan sounded as the kiss deepened and Dana's tongue pressed suggestively against Stella's bottom lip.

"Mmm, wait." Stella objected, pulling away. "I haven't brushed my teeth yet."

Dana smiled down at her with an amused grin. "You think I really care about that?"

She kissed her lips again before Stella could try to protest any further, slipping her tongue into her mouth and humming as she explored and tasted her. Dana slowly began to maneuver herself so that she was straddling Stella, resting her chest against her as she tangled her fingers in blonde tresses. Stella moaned softly as her girlfriend anchored herself to her, feeling deliciously trapped beneath her weight. Her sleep fogged brain was still a few steps behind, Dana's all consuming presence the one thing it was capable of comprehending. They kissed until their lips were tingly and the breath had been depleted from their bodies. Dana pulled away, panting softly before bringing her face close to Stella's.

"I want breakfast. Christmas morning breakfast is very important." Dana muttered softly against Stella's mouth.

Stella smiled and reached out to grab her hips, squeezing gently. She stared up into her girlfriend's warm blue eyes, letting them mesmerize her for a moment. When she heard Dana's stomach grumble, she tightened her grip to push her off of her, sliding from beneath her body to maneuver herself off the bed. Dana's lips drew up into a pout as she let her arms drop against the mattress with a huff. Stella turned with a confused glance, stunned by Dana's juvenile reaction.

"You said you want breakfast." Stella stated with a small shrug.

Dana reached out to grab her wrist and yanked smoothly, smiling as Stella fell back against the bed.


"I have to taste you."

A shiver ran up the blonde's spine as she settled beneath Dana's weight again, the cold outside standing no chance against the heat her body was now radiating.

"Oh, you mean that kind of breakfast." Stella teased, reaching up to pull Dana's lips down to her own.

Their lips smoothed together, unhurried and gentle as Dana worked to get Stella's panties down her legs. The redhead groaned against her lover's mouth as she felt the wetness between her thighs meet the tips of her fingers. Pulling her lips away, she slowly dragged them down the column of Stella's throat, sucking lightly on her pulse points. She traveled further down, taking her time to worship every part of her body as she went. Once she reached her hip bones, Dana sat up, leaning back on her heels as she placed a hand on either of Stella's legs. She pushed against Stella's knees, soft but firm, watching as her legs fell open one at a time- revealing herself to her. A low moan sounded from her throat as she took in the sight of her and licked her lips. Leaning down to capture her lips again, she brought her leg up to grind her thigh against Stella's cunt. The sudden movement made the blonde gasp and she reached out to steady herself against Dana's shoulders. Slowly, Dana began to drag her thigh back and forth, delighting in the feeling of her arousal coating her bare skin. The blonde moaned softly, her eyes fluttering closed as she let Dana maneuver her body, the slight shift in control a welcomed oddity. As much as Stella loved being the one in control, something about Dana taking the reins and taking responsibility for her pleasure was maddening. Never before had she felt comfortable enough to allow a partner to do so.

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