Sprace Wedding

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Part 1 of four wedding chapters! SPRACE! (The other three are Jatherine, Blush and Smallsper)!

During a nice night in New York, Race and Spot go out on a midnight walk.

They do this a lot, because the streets are less crowded, and it's beautiful at midnight.

They go their usual route, which involves crossing the Brooklyn Bridge.

Right before passing one of the towers, they stop to look at the view.

It truly is a beautiful night.

While Race is looking away, examining the New York skyline, Spot gets down on one knee.

He taps Race's back, and he looks down.

He's immediately shocked and speechless.

"D'ya wanna... get married? Or whateva'?"

Spot's trying to act cool.

Race doesn't have to know that he's more nervous than he's ever been in his life.

Race is silent for a few seconds, not being able to do much more than gape.

Then he finally screams "YES!"

Spot puts the ring on, and Race immediately throws himself into his arms.

The next second, out from behind the towers all the other newsies come running.

Spot's planned this, and gotten everyone on board.

They're just screaming their congratulations, everyone's hugging and everything's just great.

This is the first proposal that has happened in the newsie group.

Everyone's ecstatic. Especially Spot and Race (of course).

Albert's also thrilled as hell, and too happy for his best friend.

It's one of the best moments they've experienced.

But... it's soon to be topped...

The wedding day arrives in late September.

At noon, the grooms and their groomsmen arrive in different places in Medda's theater.

Race, Albert, Jack and Smalls are up in Medda's apartment above it.

Spot, Hotshot, Bart and Myron are in the performers' room in the back.

Up in the apartment, there's a total party.

Albert tried to get some beer out, but was stopped.

That's for later, Al.

The only thing they're allowed to eat now is chips.

Too bad the bowl was knocked over in the intense game of Mario Kart they played.

Mario Kart was a great way to calm Race's nerves, because he began focusing on winning instead.

He didn't win.

Smalls did.

She's a fricking professional at Mario Kart.

Albert keeps talking about a "ring bear".

No one knows what he means.

Will there be bear with the rings?

Does he not know the actual word?

There's a lot of confusion no one brings up when he talks about it.

What both gets the group excited and nervous again is when Buttons arrives with the tuxedos.

As it turns out, tailors are expensive, and newsies are poor.

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