Welcome to Sunny Alola

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Authors note " I'm happy with all the support I got with my first ever nuzlocke and hope to continue this series with my ultra sun run. I hope I can inspire future runners out there to try their own nuzlocke and create their own stories with their Pokémon".

Ah sunny Alola, I am woken up from my blissful slumber after I am awoken by my mom's meowth in an attempt to wake me up, that's gonna sting alright. I am asked by my mom to go meet our new neighbor, the professor who has a strange fascination with letting his own Pokémon attack him .... Not gonna dwell on that. She also says to go see how friendly the local Pokémon are, well taking her advice a yungoos almost rips my face off, that's what you get for not letting me at least borrow meowth mom.

Luckily before my face is being eaten by this rabid monster I am saved by the 3 starter Pokémon of the region, as  professor Kukui shows up to find the trio. Kukui offers me one of the Pokémon that saved me to be my starter Pokémon and I graciously chose my first Pokémon. 

Welcome Heelcat the Litten, who was actually from the Kahuna in Iki town so I make my way over to give a proper thanks for my new cat. I meet Hau who ends up picking Rowlet so Heelcat easily dispatches him in our first battle, I can see it carrying on like this hopefully. In Iki town I go to pay my respects to the guardian deity of the island when I see a strange girl's Pokémon being attacked by a flock of spearow on the old bridge. I carefully make my way across as I attempt to shield the small Pokémon only for the bridge to suddenly collapse , the only reason I don't lose the run right here is due to the deity Tapu Koko deciding my life is to be spared today. I also find the guardian deity has left a weird thing behind, might as well keep it , and the girl who I learn is named Lillie leaves with her " Nebby ".

After explaining my situation to the professor I give the Kahuna Hala my sparkling stone to examine, and Nebby keeps escaping the bag somehow. I also show my mom my new cat, given how hers didn't save me from the rabid rodent. The next day Kukui decides to impart on me the skill that will officially start the nuzlocke, catching Pokémon. As according to nuzlocke rules each area of route 1 is considered different so it's time to meet my first catch.

( Cue Drumroll ) 

Welcome Dozer the grubbin , a welcome first catch. As I sweep through trainers towards the festival I come across a pair of weird space people near Iki Town. At the festival I find out I am to battle Hau in order to celebrate Tapu Koko. And hau gets promptly defeated 2-0, Tapu Koko must be pleased with me. Later I go to the professor's house with Lillie and catch my next Pokémon Leon the inkay who luckily has contrary as the ability. At the professor's lab I walk in on an awkward training session with rockruff and also getting a rotom stuffed into my dex. Apparently It can talk now and I'm not sure whether or not it has this capability innate, oh well. The sky turns dark of all a sudden but for some reason I'm the only one really concerned , I don't think this is an eclipse. In the trainers school I catch myself a magnemite that I end up calling Ferro. 

I deal with my first few encounters with Team Skull in the city and also catch a Mime Jr. named Pierto before I prepare for my first trial in Verdant Caverns, me and my team facing down our first major obstacle.

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