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The Bunny boy was nowhere to be found and I was starting to get worried. With the bare minimum of students left in the school, there were too many places he could be hiding. He hadn't been in the attic when I went looking for him. He wasn't in the Hufflepuff dorms either— I asked a second year to check— nor in the library, and he didn't even show up for lunch.

I even checked with Hagrid and checked the owlery. The astronomy tower was empty of a certain Jeon Jungkook as well.

It was like he disappeared off the face of the planet. Not to mention even the spell I had perfected in my third year to find Namjoon, who always got lost, wasn't working. This worried me the most. If he were anywhere in the school, the spell would find him.

I was contemplating between sending a letter to Jimin or asking professor Min to locate him. Professor Min would be the better option since he was in school and would be of more help, but I didn't want to get him in trouble in case he was doing some rule-bending and had slipped out of school. He might be chill and usually let kids do whatever, I'm sure he wouldn't overlook being a cause of trouble to his sleep.

Before I could do either, I ran into him by the entrance hall.

Staggering under the weight of a whole set of books, the Bunny Boy didn't see me barreling towards him until I already had him in my arms. Books going flying all around us, some trapped between us even, but I didn't care as I smothered him. Glad to have found him in one piece.

"Ur- Hyung?"

The question was muffled against my shoulder, in a voice no more than a squeak, taken by surprise. He clutched the book that remained in his hand tightly.

"Don't do that! Don't do that ever again," I said, pulling back just enough to look at him, not letting go of his tiny waist.

He blinked round doe eyes at me, uncomprehending.

"Disappear on me like that. I was minutes away from arranging a search party to go find you."

He blinked, looking surprised by my admission.

"Oh!" He looked like he was struck speechless as his eyes darted around, cheeks tinting red and slipping out of my arms when he noticed the audience we had. I let him go even if I just wanted to keep him in my arms and protect him from harm's way. For being the same height as me, he sure could make himself look tiny. With his large sweater and black jeans, the boots and fluffy hair together with his doe eyes that held a galaxy of stars, he shouldn't look like he could fit right in my palms. He shouldn't, but he did.

"I'm sorry Hyung, I didn't think you would be looking for me. I was down in the boat shed. it's quiet there, good for catching up with homework," he answered, shuffling on his feet, gaze dropped to the floor, refusing to meet my eyes.

That's something I noticed a lot about him. He never held my gaze for longer than a few seconds, a minute at best. He's always so quick to drop it or look around.

I couldn't be certain if it was just me or if he was usually so skittish. He had looked just fine with Jimin, but they had known each other longer and he looked timid enough with or without making eye-contact. It made my protective instinct shoot up high around him.

"It's okay Bunny. You don't have to apologize," I said with a sigh. Reaching out to take one of his hands between mine. "You just scared me by disappearing. Did you forget we were supposed to hang out after our nap?"

Even if I kept my voice light and teasing, no intent on guilt-tripping him, his eyes went comically wide at my question.

"I - I'm so sorry Hyung. I do remember, but you weren't there in the room when I woke up, so I thought... you were busy."

With You for Christmasحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن