Part 11

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I got home and found Perrie and Zayn in the lounge room watching TV. I decided I needed some girl time since I couldn't see Harry yet. I rang and asked Jesy, Leigh-Anne, Jade and Codi to come shopping with me. They all said yes straight away. When Jesy and the girls - besides Codi - got to my house to pick us up I turned to Perrie.

"You coming?" I asked.

"Nah, I'm good here. You girls go have fun" she replied.

"Naww, but we need you there too!" Jade begged.

"You can't possibly turn down a shopping spree" Leigh-Anne added.

"Ok fine!" Perrie sighed dramatically, getting to her feet. "Bye" she added, turning to Zayn and kissing his cheek.

"Bye babe" he said.

"Are you just gonna leave him here? In our house, alone?" I asked Perrie.

"Yeah, Zayn can leave when he wants." She said as we walked out the door.

We went past Codi's house to pick her up and then drove to the mall. It probably wasn't the best idea to come shopping with Little Mix. We walked into a little boutique and about 10 girls ran up to us, asking Little Mix for autographs and pics. Once all the girls had a pic and autograph, we got back to our shopping. I was looking through a clothes rack with Perrie when I heard two girls who were about 13 whispering to each other.

"OMG, is that her?" One of the girls said.

"Who?" The other girl asked.

"Her! That's Perrie, from Little Mix!"

"Ooh, the one dating Zayn?"

"Yeah! And isn't that her little sister"

"I think it is! She's the one that was kissing Harry on that cover of that magazine!"

"Oh yeah, I hate her already"

"Yeah, she doesn't deserve Harry."

"He's way too good for her"

My eyes stung at her words. I felt a lump in my throat and ran out of the store trying to hold back the tears. I ran to a park and sat on the bench and let the tears roll out. I couldn't sit here alone forever so I pulled out my phone and called Harry.


Niall and I had finished the interview and were walking out of the studio.

"You wanna go grab some Nandos?" Niall asked me as my phone started ringing.

"Yeah, sure. Just gimme a sec to answer this" I pulled my phone out of my pocket and saw Alex's beautiful face lighting up my screen. "Hello love" I said into the phone.

"H-hi Harry" I heard her voice through the speaker. She was crying.

"Alex? Where are you? Are you okay?" I rushed out.

"Um, I'm at some park.. Near Nandos?" She said, a bit unsure herself.

"I'll be there in a sec." I said before hanging up the phone and turning to Niall. "I'm gonna have to skip on Nandos, seeya later" I called out while rushing to my car and driving away. I drove around for a little while before finding the park Alex was at. I pulled up and noticed her sitting alone on a bench, her eyes red and puffy from the crying.


I looked up and saw Harry's car pull up. He jumped out and ran straight to me, his eyes full of worry.

"Alex, what's wrong?" He asked sitting next to me, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me close.

I told him what happened and he took me back to his flat. We watched movies all day and he. Wouldn't stop apologising - even though it wasn't his fault.

Perrie's Little Sister (MAJOR EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now