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Yoongi called the police right after everything. The police arrived soon after the call because a dispatched vehicle was nearby, which worked out perfectly.

An ambulance arrived shortly to check on my injury to the back of my head, which luckily, was not a serious injury. They bandaged my head and told me to sleep on my side instead of on my back until it can fully heal, but they said the swelling should go down soon because the hit was only hard enough to knock me out.

When they arrived, they cuffed the three men and led them out of the house with ease.

They put the men in the back of the vehicle. Only the last man pushed the officer away with force from his body and ran.

He ran as far as he could down the street, while the other two policemen jumped in the vehicle to go after him.

They left minutes ago, yet my body still can't move from the window.

"Come on, let's get to bed," Yoongi already gave the statement to the officers before they started putting them in the vehicle, so everything was handled except for the one who escaped.

Surely, they would capture him soon enough. His eyes were so lost and distant from the others when the officers pulled his mask off.

One of the men is buff with tattoos lined down his arms, another one, the one who had the gun, has long black hair with a golden tooth, and the next one, the one who ran, has brown hair and brown eyes. He looks cold as if nothing truly matters in the world.

"I don't think I can go back to sleep," who could after witnessing something so insane? To top it off, one of them is now on the loose.

Yoongi looks troubled. He glances upstairs, then back to me. Pulling away from the staircase, he comes over and sits down on the couch.

"I'm sure the police will catch the guy. They're usually pretty good about situations like these. If you want, I can stay up and guard the place." He's already driven hours to get back and had to fight off three men by himself.

"That's sweet of you, but it's not because of that. I've had a crazy week in general, and I don't think I can go back to sleep." I've been watching out of the window since the red and blue flashing lights pulled up on the other side of the street. A police officer parked his car and turned the lights off, but he made no move to leave the vehicle. He's guarding the house for the night.

It's a random robbery. The cops identified the three men and reassured me that the gun was fake. There was nothing to be concerned about. This past week has been so messed up that fear itself can't provoke me.

"Want to talk about it?" He makes sure to ask cautiously, but I shake my head.

"Not really. No offense, but I don't know you, and I already have one too many bad guys on my side at the moment. It's better to be safe than sorry." I'm tired from the week and want to sleep, even though I know I won't be able to.

"I can respect that. I've been out of town for about two weeks now. I had to go buy some new tools for the shop, and I decided to take a break while I was doing it. Jungkook didn't mind as long as I came back when my break was over and that's today." He turns on the tv.

"You know, if we're going to stay up together, we can at least watch a movie or something. How does that sound?" He's being so positive and nice about everything despite what occurred.

"I think that'll be fine," I walk away from the window and sit on the couch while finding a movie we both can agree on.

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We watched movies until the sun began to rise. Matter of fact, if Jungkook didn't come walking down the stairs holding his head in pain, then we probably would've continued to talk and watch television.

Yoongi's very skilled at fighting. He used to be a street boxer years ago before he had a sudden realization that he didn't want to do that anymore. After that, he found a job here at Jungkook's shop, and he's been working here ever since.

He explained that he never had much growing up, but it didn't stop him from working hard for what he wanted. To be completely honest, I'm surprised by how easygoing he is. He's so easy to talk to and never gives off a weird vibe at all.

He's like those people anyone meets in life where there's an instant connection. It's rare to find those people.

I end up doing some homework after Yoongi had to start working. I'm stuck in this house, so the least I can do is get some work done before I'm allowed back on campus.

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After doing a couple of assignments, the doorbell rings. Scooting my chair out, I stand from the kitchen table and walk to the door.

Once I open it, I see my attorney with a worried face. "Are you alright? I found out what happened this morning." He begins.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. It was a robbery so-"

"Emiko, it was more than a basic robbery." His eyes become serious as ever when glancing at the bandage around my head.

"What exactly do you mean?" My eyes narrow and travel to Yoongi who is standing by my attorney's vehicle.

"I'm required by law to call you in. They said it would bring more attention if the police keeps coming by, so I was asked to come and pick you up quietly. I have to take you both to the police department to do a follow-up on what happened last night." He pauses momentarily as if there's more. "And while I do sympathize with you, I'm afraid I have no idea how to help your case."

It takes a moment for my head to latch onto what he's saying, so when I think I understand what he means, I ask for clarification. "What exactly are you trying to say?" I fold my arms over my chest.

"I'm saying that I'm withdrawing from the case. It's too much for me to handle, and quite frankly, I'm afraid for my family's lives. I was looking over everything this morning, only to receive a phone call that my son is in the hospital from serve injuries due to a few older bullies at his school early today. I hope you can understand, and I'm sorry, but we should go."

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