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Prologue - Hello new person!

//Reminders: This is story is still in construction. If you have questions, feel free to ask. Anyways, here's a small part of the story while you wait for chapter 1. Enjoy!//

⚠️There will be swears in this chapter⚠️


Many things can be different to each of us. All of us will see things how we want to see them.

There's no changing that.

It's as if life is a story and we're all main characters in a way.


Happy endings? HA! What a load of bs. No one ever gets a happy ending. We all die in the end anyways. So why does it even matter if what we do in this life is good or bad?

No one even knows what the end is like or what is one the so called "Other Side". Or known to many as Heaven and He'll, or simply just Afterlife or reincarnation.

What do you think? Well that doesn't matter, everyone is different. With whatever you say, someone will have something to say that oppose it because apparently it is "Irrelevant".

Every story has an idea, but what if the idea was real all along...


What is this strange feeling? It's like everything is distorted. I'm starting to get butterflies(?) in my stomach and I'm not liking it. But, these distorted things I'm seeing, it's like they're the color black purely, but at the same time they're colorful? I do not understand what is going on.

Is that... Light? I want to go towards it, but I can't move. It's coming closer. I have no choice other than to let it consume me or whatever else it's doing.



And closer...

And then that was it. Everything suddenly faded to black.

It was quiet.

Until I heard something. Or someone? I can't tell

"Oh my Feiton is this kid an angel?!"

"Well the kid don't have wings. Partial angel maybe. Maybe not"

"Hey? HEY! Are you awake?"

A voice? It doesn't sound familiar.

I then opened my eyes, at least I think these are eyes.

"Hey Lus, the kid's awake"

I saw two big blob figures in front of me. My vision was still blurry so I couldn't see them properly.

I just stared at them. I really don't know what's going on.

"Hey are you okay? Earth to random kid?"

On of the blobs proceeded to shake me.

"Geez Lus you're gonna give the kid a headache. And why in this world would you shake someone you don't even know?"

"I don't know either Ari. Instinct?"



Soon enough, my vision was cleared. The one the was shaking me was a really tall yellow creature. It didn't look, human? It had red hair and a really sharp set of teeth that always seemed to smiled. It also had big eyes that kind of creep me out. And the clothes it was wearing isn't helping on figuring out what it is.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2022 ⏰

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