Chapter 1

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Mornings in highschool were the worst.

It was all fun for the jocks, the cheerleaders and the rich. But for someone like me, it's just a place to be bullied, made fun of or just a trash can.

I made my way to my locker. I sighed out loud seeing the mess on my locker again.


'Mr. No friends.'

'Go to hell.'

I tore out all the writings, crushed it and put it in my bag. I had to get ready for the day. And this is one of those days where Jasper aka King of Moonridge High decided to have some fun with me.

A small introduction about Jasper from me would go like this- Jerk. A**hole. Narcissist. Traitor.

I know people don't change overnight but he did and for no actual reason. Maybe cause he decided he didn't want to be friends with a nerd like me.

Good things tend to happen to good people. I had been brought up by my mother with this idea in my mind. But now I would say this is complete bullshit.
No. Good things definitely don't happen to good people especially if there is a 'Jasper' around.

Jasper's a bully, narcissist, ego head and everything bad. But he will still become one of the richest guys on the planet

"Hey! There's our nerd!" A loud voice boomed behind me.

I didn't even turn back since I knew very well who it was. Aidan. Jasper's dog.

I started walking in the opposite direction. And my steps became faster and larger until it became a sprint in the hallway.

I could hear the voices behind my back catching up to me.

Shit! Jasper! Why? Why? What did I do wrong?

Tears were forcing out of my eyes remembering that night. I swapped it off and ran even faster.

I turned around a quick corner, losing the bullies and ran up the rusty old stairs which lead to the terrace. Calling the terrace a safe place would be an understatement. It was my place where I could hide, eat lunch properly, sort out my thoughts and cry.

I released the pent up breath that I was holding. Seeing Jasper early in the morning was a reminder of that night. The night that I wished I could erase from my life. The night I wished never happened. The night I wished I cared less about him.

I ruffled my curly brown hair that was sticking out in all places like a bird nest. Well nothing that I could do about it. I placed my grey school bag onto my lap and drew open the chain to take out my Geometry rough book.

There I started to scribble the math problems that I had left out the previous night.

Usually, I would have long completed my tasks. Working out geometry, integration and stuff like that were an ecstasy to me. I would never miss out on my math but last night was different. My mom and my little sister forced me to help them bake cupcakes. Saying no to their big doe eyes, sparkling with glitters of hope, was impossible for my big old heart. So, I said yes. Even at the expense of geometry.

I wished I could just stay home, work out maths, read geography, analyze politics and economics, study English, and all the reading stuff. But no! I had to go to school. I had to keep up with the bullies. And worse of all, there was no saying my hard work would pay off in the end anyway. Take Jasper for example. Rich, handsome, strong; his family would definitely make him the head of their company. Yes, they had a company. A multi-billion one, if I might say so.

Not only him, there was also his best friend, Kevin, who by the way did not join in the bullying but didn't stop his buddy either. A typical bad guy who acted good for the ladies.

My mom always used to tell me; bad people end up with bad luck. But I begged to differ. Our school's f-boys never had bad luck. Rather, they had the best luck.

Not that me complaining on and on was going to change anything but this had stuck to me as a habit. Missing first periods, PE, and running off as fast as I could when the last bell rang. The roof was my only safe haven in this hell. Dust-filled, windy and even chilly during summer days. But that didn't stop me from coming here. It was so much better than strolling along the hallway as a bull's eye for the bullies.

No one would come up here anyway. Not the teachers, not the other students, not the bullies and definitely not Jasper. I pride myself on losing him everytime in the crowd. I could just lose myself sitting on this old wooden bench, the wind slowly hitting my face while the sun brightly shone across the whole area.

"Uhh you lost too?"

"Nope," I replied, still looking at the far off clouds. That's when it hit me. Did I just hear someone?

I didn't turn back. I was too shocked to turn back. The roof was my place. It was my safe zone. It was Cody's hiding area. No one was supposed to be here. The person behind me could be one of the bullies or-

"I'm sorry. I'm new here," the voice said, soft and calm yet soothing. Footsteps were inching closer towards me. "I lost my way to the English class. It's my first day here."

The sound stopped for a while. My lips were zipped tight. I never held a conversation with a peer throughout my highschool. This mystery man could easily be one of the bullies. I rather not take my chance by striking up a cheeky conversation.

I jumped back a little when a large bandaged hand passed by my shoulder. I swiftly twisted my head and my neck crooked up only to be met by a pair of smiling green eyes.

My eyes fell on his wrapped up hand and I abruptly stood up. Bandaged. Bad boy. Fights. I took a step back and averted my eyes. I could see his hand hanging in mid-air from the corner of my pupils.

"My name's Henry and I'm a transfer student," he said with a slight chuckle. "The school's way too big and I got lost like a stupid kid," he continued. This time his voice was accompanied by a dense humor. He was almost laughing at himself.

Normally, I would've nodded my head and ran away. The risk was too high and I didn't want to be crumbled up all the way on the roof. But this guy gave off a totally different vibe. I could say he meant no danger. Well, my gut said.

I slowly raised my head. He was tall. Definitely above 6" and his body was muscular. I could tell it from all the bulging in his uniform. My coffee brown eyes met with his lawn green ones. His hair was light blonde, so silky and light that it took me a moment to take in his appearance.

He looked right out of a fashion magazine. I could tell he wasn't from around here or anywhere near. He was foreign. His accent was different, his looks unique, and his personality way too kind. The way he wore his school uniform just like the prospectus said so confirmed he was new to Moonridge High.

I fiddled with the ends of my shirt while biting nervously on my lower lip. He is definitely foreign but he knew English. So this might not be that difficult.

"This is the roof. Not the English class," I replied, still keeping my eyes on the floor. It took me a moment to realize how stupid I sounded. "I-i- isn't isn't...eng-"

I was cut off by a snicker followed by a hearty laugh.

Heat rose on my cheeks, my bottom lip was almost bleeding and a lone sweat was dripping down my forehead. Well, isn't this the best time for anxiety to kick in?

"I don't mind bunking my first period on my first day if I get to spend the time with a dude like you," he said in between laughs. He was trying his best to hold back his laugh.

Maybe I'm some sort of comedian in his eyes. Of course, he couldn't feel the embarrassment soaring throughout my body. If the roof ever wanted to soak me in, this would be the best time. Or so, I prayed.

"So, what's your name, funny guy?" he asked, sitting himself on the bench, his eyes locked on my geometry book. Gradually, he tore his gaze and turned towards me. A soft breeze came along our way ruffling his soft blonde hair, swaying across his face. And he gave me the widest smile I had ever seen in my life.

That's when I decided- this one is on you, gut.

"Cody. My name's Cody

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