6: Katie

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After homeroom business and announcements, I pick up my backpack and books and head to English class. I'm kind of anxious to see Nick, though I know he probably won't notice me - no, he's probably forgotten all about this morning. How could he not? It was insignificant, anyway.

When I round the last corner, I find myself worrying more about what Nick is going to do when he sees me; will he look away? Will he laugh? Will he point?

I know his friends are going to be there, and he's probably just going to be there with them. Of course he prefers his friends over me.

Sure enough, his friends are standing between me and the door to the English classroom, and I immediately search for Nick. Though I scan each of their faces thoroughly, I don't find him. He's probably going to the bathroom or something...

A hand on my shoulder startles me and makes me jump. Nick's friends look up, laugh and point at me for a second, but then go back to talking inside their enclosed circle of backpacks.

I sigh with relief and turn to see who scared me. When I see who it is, I almost have another heart attack: it's Nick.

"Hi," he says.

I gulp, hoping he won't notice. "Hey."

"So, Katie, huh?" he says, smiling. So he found out my name...? I didn't tell him. Did he go around asking, or just happen upon it? "Abigail told me. I like it. A lot."

I blush, mentally cursing my cheeks for being so sensitive to his deep voice. "Thanks. I like your name, too, Nick."

He smiles wider, and is about to say something when the bell rings to start class. "We should go," he says, taking my hand and making my blood freeze. I follow him into the classroom, and he pulls us towards two empty seats, next to each other in the back row.

He lets go of my hand so I can sit down, and I feel an instant emptiness where his fingers were.

The teacher, Mrs. Simons, starts to take attendance.

"Kate Bellium?" she prompts, looking around the room.

"Here," I say, only moderately loud.

She pauses. "Is Kate present today?"

"Here," I say, louder. She still doesn't seem to hear me.

Nick clears his throat, directing attention to himself. "She's right here, Mrs. Simons."

"Oh! Heavens. I didn't hear her." Everyone laughs, but Nick smiles at me. Thank you, I mouth at him. He nods in response.

When she reaches Nick, my heart skips a beat. "Nicholas Calvert," she says.

"Here!" Nick shouts playfully. Mrs. Simons shakes her head and smiles, while the class laughs.

After attendance, Mrs. Simons dives right into grammar. "Here we have a simple sentence..." I tune out, not wanting to bother with grammar right now.

I sneak a peek over at Nick, who's sitting to my left, and instantly look away when I see he's looking at me, too. Blushing again, I fiddle with my pencil and start to doodle on some loose leaf.

"What's that?" Nick whispers, leaning over my desk.

I lift up my paper slightly so he can see it better: it's not much yet, just a few lines. I'm not sure what I'm sketching, so it's pretty abstract.

"It's pretty, whatever it is," he says, smiling at me. I set it back down and keep drawing.

"Mr. Calvert?" Mrs. Simons says from the front of the room. "What are you and that girl whispering about?"

That girl... Ouch. She can't even remember my name?

Nick shrugs. "I asked about the sentence you have there. I was confused on a portion of it."

Mrs. Simons sighs, sounding like she doesn't feel like arguing. "Ask me next time, okay?"

"Sure thing!" Nick says, a little too happily. I chuckle. He sure is good at lying.

I cringe at that thought, horrible memories threatening to spill over into my joy.

Even though he was caught once, Nick whispers to me again. "You have algebra next?"

I nod in response, not wanting to get in trouble.

"Darn," he mutters. "I have religion."

"I have biology third," I say, and he smiles.

"So do I."

"Calvert!" Mrs. Simons calls, obviously not happy. "Why don't you come up to the board and explain to the class the difference between these two sentences?"

Nick gets up without hesitating. "All right," he says, taking long strides to get to the front quickly. "What you have here is a simple sentence, and on the other side is another simple sentence."

Mrs. Simmons looks at him, straightening her dress uncomfortably. "Well, will you explain the difference?"

Someone from the classroom speaks up: "Actually, Mrs. Simons, you didn't explain that to us yet." It's Thomas Dillard, one of the guys who pinned me to the lockers this morning.

"Oh," Mrs. Simons says quietly. "It seems I haven't." She's lost in thought for a little white, but eventually turns to Nick and says, "Have a seat, Nicholas."

Shrugging, Nick walks back to his seat and sits down with a smile. Thomas looks back at him and winks - but then his eyes land on me.

I swear, I've never seen a look of more hatred. Thomas's entire face scrunches up at the sight of me, making me shrivel down into my seat more. I wish he would look away...

Nick taps my shoulder, making me jump a little. "Are you all right?"

"No," I whisper. "Thomas was..." I look back to where Thomas is sitting, but he's facing forward, and all evidence of his hateful look is gone. "...Never mind."

"Tell me later," Nick says, facing the front of the room. I notice that his eyes are trained on the back of Thomas's head, and I smirk slightly.

Nicholas Calvert... What is this? Why do you suddenly care so much about me?

All I know is things are going to change.

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