10: Nick

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All through religion, Thomas doesn't look at me or try to speak to me. I'm glad, because I'm done with him for now.

"Mr. Calvert?" the religion teacher, Ms. Pratt, starts. "Will you read on from the second paragraph on page twenty four?"

I nod and begin reading, though my heart - and my mind - isn't in it. All of my thoughts are on the Spring Dance and how I'm going to ask Katie. I don't want to ask over text, because that's just wimpy. But if I ask in front of people, she'll get worried. I'll...

"Thank you, Mr. Calvert," Ms. Pratt says, as I realize I've read all of the third paragraph as well.

I expect Thomas to glance at me, to glare at me, but he doesn't. He's sitting back in his chair, fiddling with his pencil in his hand, obviously bored as hell. I'm just waiting for Ms. Pratt to tell him to sit up or something.

We've gotten through five whole pages in the book she's making us read when the bell rings. Everyone, me included, dashes out of the room before she can give us any homework. I hear her sigh as I leave the room.

I push through the crowds, trying to find Katie. We're both going to biology next, and I definitely want to walk with her to it.

I'm about to round a corner when I hear a whimper from the bathrooms. I don't know why I turn, but I do, and what I see is frightening: Arthur is there, holding on to Katie by her waist and mouth.

"Come on, Calvert," he says, slipping into the restroom. I grunt, but follow him. We're going to be late to class, and I'm sure he is too...

Arthur smiles as I enter. "Close the entrance behind you," he orders. I do just that. "Good..."

"What do you want, Arthur?" I ask quietly. "We have to get to class-"

"Aw, class? You're suddenly so caught up in education, aren't you?" he prods. "I want my old Nick back."

"You're not getting him back," I retort immediately. "The old Nick was a jerk, just like you."

Arthur chuckles, and Katie struggles a little against his grasp. "What's the matter, fresh-meat?" he taunts. "Are you waiting for your superhero to come and save you?"

Katie's eyes close for a second, and tears begin to flow from them.

It's then that I snap.

Without thinking, I lunge at Arthur, catching him off-guard, since he's watching Katie. I slip around behind him and pry his arms away from Katie, and then slam him up against the wall.

He grunts under my weight. I don't know why he's messing with me, since I'm the strongest one in the grade... probably in the whole school.

"This is for humiliating Katie," I say, digging his nose into the wall. "And this is for thinking you could overpower me." This time, I kick him in the groin.

He slides down the wall, holding his sweet spot, and I turn to Katie. No words coming to mind, I step towards her until only inches of air separate us... and I wipe the tears from her face.

She smiles, though she's shaking, and she hugs me tightly. I hug her back, feeling her warmth spread through me like a fire.

It's not until the second bell rings to start class that I let go, taking her hand. "We're late to biology," I say.

Katie's grin fades, and then she holds up her wrist for me to see. I feel the color drain from my face when I see that it's bruised.

"Take me to the nurse," she says, looking only at her wrist. "Drop me off, and then report to the biology teacher..."

"And then come back," I finish for her. She looks up at me and smiles.

"And then come back," she repeats, smiling even wider.

I take her hand - the one that isn't bruised - and walk out of the restroom, not bothering to leave it open.

That was the last straw, Arthur. You pull something like that again, and I don't know what I'll do.

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